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Hand-arranged designer blooms sent the same day by Lily’s Florist

In this generation, some tables might have turned and it’s for the good. Women begin to make the first move when it comes to romance and career. There is nothing wrong with that especially if women will still do the old-school way of courtship such as sending flowers to the love of their life.

And if you’re asking if men like flowers – try sending them one now to find out the hidden truth that they appreciate these charming blooms as much as you do!

All eyes on flowers now because Lily’s Florist is now delivering fresh flowers to your doorstep in Rankin Park the same day. Before you take your lunch or attend your meeting, order flowers first from our website and take advantage of our same-day delivery when you order before 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays.

Make this day count by putting a smile on your recipient’s face with our most captivating flowers like peach roses, red gerbera daisies, white lilies, and pink carnations among others.

Our website is up and running for your online delivery orders today. Access it by using your smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers then pay with ease via Paypal and your VISA, Mastercard, and American Express credit cards.

Two ways to tell someone you like them through flowers

Whether it is a man or a woman you are eyeing on, you can assure that flowers will not disappoint when it comes to courtship and impressing your object of affection.

Surprise with flowers – Most people feel important when someone surprises them with flowers. To make a successful surprise, you should know the daily schedule of your recipient whether at work, school, or at home. You should also connive with some common friends to pull off this surprise.

Flower trip:  If you’d like to give a man flowers, we recommend snapdragons or hydrangeas arrangement or maybe a plant arrangement, something neutral in appearance that can blend in with their masculine style.

Communicate with flowers – This is important especially when you are not the outspoken type when trying to court someone. Flowers are your best friend in this situation because sending it automatically means you have precious intentions coming from the heart for your recipient.
Flower Tip: Try sending a bouquet of pink roses as warm-up gift for your confession of admiration.