
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery

Hey there! In five minutes or less we want to take a little of your time to tell something you would absolutely like to know about.

Clue: It’s all about flowers!

Lily’s Ascot Florist believes there is a flower lover in every person and that is what keeps us going in this business. It’s not just about the beauty and glamour of fragrant petals and twigs but the effect it has on people. It is close to magical even if it is 100% natural.

With us, you can order for same day delivery; so if you have a sudden need to send flowers in the middle of the day, no need to stress about it. Access us online and we will wipe out your dilemma with our fresh cut flowers and untainted customer service. Your convenience is paramount in every transaction we do for. No ifs, no buts, we will be here for you.

Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, childbirth and all other celebrations will be brighter and happier now with Lily’s Ascot Florist.

All the beautiful things in Ascot plus people giving people flowers – there is nothing else to ask for. Ascot is certainly an interesting place know about.

A narrow strip of land makes up the dainty suburb of Ascot in Perth, Western, Australia. It only has a population of 1,987 recorded in 2006 and is previously a portion of Redcliffe and Belmont until 1991. The name of the town was derived from the Ascot Racecourse, a horse-racing track situated in the boundaries of the suburb. Aside from the race track, you can also find an uninhabited island called the Ron Courtney Island. It is part of the Swan River that has a flooded gum stand with both shore and land rushes.

Are your loved ones and friends in Ascot celebrating anything soon? Make sure you take part in making it a blast. Lily’s Ascot Florist delivers to public and private addresses in Ascot. Tell us where and we’ll deliver it there on-time.

Have you ever received flowers yourself? Receiving flowers feels so good and it makes you want to tell the whole world about it. Why not take a picture of it and post it online? Here are some basic tips in flower photography.

Drop and shoot

First is to drop on your knees and make sure the flowers are on an eye to eye level. Look at the flowers closely and appreciate its features before snapping away. Do this and you’ll get a better picture and a better perspective of the flower.

Remove distractions 

When taking pictures of flowers, it is best to isolate the subject. Having too many objects in the photo will draw the focus of viewers away from the flower. Make sure the flowers have a nice, clean background that won’t steal the attention.