Are you looking for a fabulous arrangement of radiant orange gerbera daisies, mandarin spray roses, and some lime green button chrysanthemums? Check out Lily's Florist's Mixed Orange Arrangement. It is a dazzling ensemble of orange flowers perfect for celebrating success, encouraging creativity, and sending good vibes to someone's way. We've also prepared a wide array of vibrant displays of fresh flowers suitable for various occasions. You can include a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine, plus your thoughtful message, of course! Personalise a bouquet with a message of up to 200 characters. And don't forget to shop at Lily's Florist before 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 am Saturday, for speedy same day delivery to Bells Creek, QLD. You can also reach out to us on 1800 466 534 for any assistance you may need.