Lily's Florist Delivers Flowers to Braddon ACT
Looking for a gift that will leave a big impact? Check out the flowers to Braddon from Lily’s Florist.
Take a look at our fine selection of stunning flower arrangements guaranteed to bring joy to the special recipient. All our flowers to Braddon are meticulously and expertly designed by hand by a talented partner florist in or close to Braddon ACT. We make use of the language of flowers to create floral displays that are expressive of the sender’s thoughts and feelings. With every creation, you can be assured of something that is personal and vivid and communicative of your love, affection, support, concern, or sympathy.
See what our customers are saying with our Lily's Florist Reviews.
Braddon Birthday Flowers Online
Our Braddon flowers are not just aesthetically pleasing; they are also demonstrative of the sender’s intentions. So if there’s something that you wish to say but cannot find the words to express it, articulate what you mean through the gift of impressive and expressive flowers from Lily’s Florist.
We have potted plants to Braddon, lush greens in basket, colourful gerberas in vase, single red rose in presentation box, two lily stems wrapped bouquet style, lilac and lime flower bunches, bunches of Oriental lilies, all pink bouquets, pastel-coloured floral arrangements, country chic rose arrangements, Australian native flowers in vase, roses with chocolates, flowers with wine, flowers with teddy and balloons, baskets of white roses, three-dozen rose bouquets, and various gift hampers.
Same Day Flowers to Braddon ACT
As an online flower retailer to Braddon you can trust, we’re committed to providing you with the best product selection at the best prices.
Our partner florists are able to deliver to all businesses and private homes in Braddon. We hand-deliver fresh flower gifts to addresses around Ainslie Primary School, Ainslie Public School, the Fenner Hall of Australian National University, Allawah Court, Currong Apartments, Gorman House Arts Centre, Haig Park, Mercure Canberra or formerly Hotel Ainslie, and Merici College. We also deliver bouquets, bunches and floral arrangements to Northbourne Flats as well as to places of worship, schools, retirement villages, and nursing homes in and around Braddon.
Same-day delivery is available for orders placed before the 2 PM weekday and 10 AM Saturday cut-off schedule.
Lily's Florist Delivery Guide for Braddon, ACT
About Braddon Deliveries
- Lily's Florist delivers to all areas of Braddon (2612) and surrounding areas
- We service all residential addresses in Braddon's urban apartment complexes
- Deliveries available to local businesses and commercial properties on Lonsdale Street
- We deliver to government offices and educational facilities in the area
- Hospital deliveries available to Canberra Hospital and local medical centers
- Funeral deliveries coordinated with local funeral homes
- All apartment buildings and mixed-use developments in Braddon are within our delivery zone
* Below is a map of the typical areas in Braddon our partner florists deliver to. Please note though, this is NOT a representation of where Lily's Florist is located.
Delivery Availability
- Same-day delivery available Monday through Saturday (except public holidays)
- Orders must be placed by 2 PM for same-day delivery
- Orders after 2 PM delivered next day
- Orders after 10 AM Saturday delivered Monday morning
- Sunday deliveries only available on Mother's Day
Delivery Fees
- Standard delivery fee: $16.95
- Additional charges may apply for remote locations
- Delivery fee appears during checkout payment process
Required Information
- Your details: Full name, mobile number, email address
- Recipient details: Full name, complete Braddon address, mobile number
- For apartment deliveries: Building name/number, unit number, access instructions
- For hospital deliveries: Hospital name, ward, and bed number
Special Delivery Scenarios
- Apartment deliveries: Recipient should be home or provide access instructions for secure buildings
- Hospital deliveries: Special arrangements for ICU patients
- Funeral deliveries: Will coordinate with funeral directors for timely delivery
- If recipient not home: Flowers left in a safe place or returned to shop
Product Options
- Most bunches don't include vases (display purposes only in images)
- "Flowers with vase" category available for arrangements with vases
- Add-on extras: Chocolates, teddy bears, wine (must add flowers first)
- Alcohol gifts require recipient to be over 18 with ID verification
Ordering Methods
- Online through website: Browse categories or search bar
- Phone orders: Call 1800 466 534
- Operating hours: Monday-Friday 7 AM-6 PM, Saturday 7 AM-12 PM
- Live chat available on website for quick questions
Payment & Issues
- All prices include GST
- Tax invoice provided via email
- Secure payment processing (no stored credit card details)
- For delivery issues: Contact immediately
- Value complaints require photos within 24 hours
- Refunds typically processed within 24 hours