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Time to make someone smile just because! Order now at Lily’s Florist and surprise someone you care about with an unexpected flower gift. 

Don’t wait for a holiday or a special occasion to treat someone to a nice bunch of blooms. You have the opportunity today to communicate your love and make someone feel appreciated. Go for “just because” flowers or floral gifts given for no specific reason or celebration. Lily’s Florist has an assortment of top-quality floral arrangements and affordable bouquets perfect as gifts when you simply want to be sweet and spontaneous. 

Send Flower Gifts to Box Hill, Melbourne

Browse our online flower store and discover how easy it is to arrange a flower delivery to Box Hill, VIC. Select by category and pick a floral arrangement size. You are given the option to include a non-floral gift like a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates. Teddy bears, balloons, and vases are likewise available as extras. Select a delivery date and input the delivery address, then pay securely online. It is that easy!

Ordering flowers for delivery to Box Hill will take you less than five minutes! Do your flower shopping even when you’re outside Australia. We made sure you’ll have a stress-free flower shopping experience here at Lily’s Florist.

Shop Online Today at Lily’s Florist

Buy a bouquet today and don’t miss out on the opportunity to make someone you love feel good. Flowers have long been recognised as effective mood-boosters and powerful bringers of joy. So, go ahead and pick a lush bunch of your beloved favourite blooms. Surprise mum with an “I miss you” bouquet. Get a good friend a “thank you” floral gift just because. 

You can also select a floral arrangement according to a colour’s meaning. Send an uplifting orange floral arrangement to encourage and inspire. Pick a green floral ensemble to revitalise one’s mind and send a message of hope. Get a purple arrangement to spark creativity or show compassion. A pink bouquet is perfect for communicating tender love and affection. Red, is of course, for passionate love and devotion. 

Box Hill Express Same Day Bouquet Delivery

Lily’s Florist has a large assortment of fresh flower gits to suit your needs. Of course, we carry celebration bouquets for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and new baby celebrations. We also have sympathy and get-well flowers. 

Our partner florists are experts you can rely on when it comes to meticulously and creatively prepared floral gifts. We deliver to Box Hill from Monday to Saturday with same-day delivery for orders placed before 2 PM Mon-Fri in the recipient’s time zone and before 10 AM Saturday.