
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Expertly designed flower arrangements are just a click away. Order online today at Lily’s Florist and conveniently arrange a fresh flower delivery for your loved one in Melbourne. 

When you need flower gifts delivered to Carlton North, you can count on our florists to get your gift to its destination fresh and fast. Select from a wide variety of bouquets, flower arrangements, and gift hampers. We have a floral ensemble to suit every occasion and every budget.

Carlton North Flowers Fast Same Day Delivery

Check our flower categories and easily find the right bouquet. Blushing rose gifts to celebrate your anniversary and cheery mixed bouquets to deliver happy birthday wishes are always available. We also have new baby flower gifts, get well bouquets, thank you flowers, and seasonal floral gifts for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Secretary’s Day.
Gift hampers or baskets with delightful treats are also available. You can get them as they are or paired with any floral arrangement.

Want your flowers delivered today? Order before 2PM for Monday to Friday same-day delivery. Please get your cart ready for checkout by 10AM for Saturday same-day delivery. 

Carlton North Bouquets and Flower Gifts

By partnering with local florists in the area, we get to immediately attend to your flower order. Expect the flowers to arrive fresh and definitely on time. 

Every flower arrangement that we deliver is creatively prepared by hand by our partners. You won’t go wrong with a floral ensemble prepared by Lily’s Florist. Only the freshest handpicked blooms are used and we make sure we fill each arrangement with a lush gathering of flowers and foliage. 

Send Fresh Flowers to Carlton North, Melbourne

We deliver to residential and business addresses in the inner suburb of Carlton North in Melbourne.

Buy a bouquet today and send love to someone special through the language of flowers. Why wait for a special occasion when an out-of-the-blue flower gift on a regular day can make a bigger impact? Surprise a loved one today by ordering fresh flowers at Lily’s Florist.