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​Looking for a reliable online florist? Consider Lily’s Florist.

Affordable Flowers Fyshwick

We’re an Australian-owned and operated online florist with a solid network of experienced florists. We take pride in our extensive flower gift selection with over 500 flower arrangement options for you to choose from.

Our flowers are professionally prepared by a skilled florist whom we’ve carefully selected. Like how we selected our flowers, we did thorough research to find the best florists who could partner with us. This ensures that your flower gift will be carefully prepared and skillfully designed by a talented florist. With Lily’s Florist, you can be certain that your flower order do not just look gorgeous, it’s also dramatic and meaningful and expressive.

Lily’s Florist’s flowers make the perfect present to express your feelings. Order one to send positive vibes to a friend who’s feeling down. Thank Mum or a colleague with a nice bunch of Australian natives. We have flowers with chocolates, flowers with vase, flower and teddy bear arrangements, flowers with gift hampers and more. Whatever it is that you select, Lily’s Florist flowers are sure to please.

Fresh Flowers and Gifts Delivered Same Day to Fyshwick

We deliver to Fyshwick hospitals, churches, schools, businesses and private homes.

On the east of South Canberra district is the small suburb of Fyshwick. Its name is derived after a Tasmanian politician, Sir Philip Fysh, and the suffix “wick” which means dwelling place in Old English. The streets in Fyshwick are named after the industrial towns and regions of Australia. Fyshwick was gazetted in 1928 and features retail and light industries. The suburb is also known for its adult entertainment industry given that it is one of only two suburbs in ACT where brothels and strip clubs may legally operate.

Lily’s Florist delivers to both businesses and private homes in Fyshwick. We can send flower gifts to addresses around Molonglo Mall Business Area, Paragon Mall, Canberra Outlet Centre, Office of Regulatory Services, Canberra Motorcyle Centre, and Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art.

Bouquets and Gifts from the Most Trusted Online Florist

We deliver six days a week, Monday through Saturday. Our online flower shop is available to take orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Wherever you are in the world, whenever it’s convenient for you to buy flowers, you can easily shop for flower gifts at Lily’s Florist. Our partner florist will take care of the delivery to your family, friends and loved ones residing in the suburb. If you’re the type who plans ahead, why not order flowers for future occasions as early as today? We accept flower orders as early as 12 months in advance. Rest assured that your gift will reach the recipient fresh and on time.

Lily’s Florist offers you the best online flower shopping experience. We’re here to make it convenient, hassle-free, exciting and affordable. Our flowers are meant to bring joy, to connect people, to make you more appreciative and expressive, to spread love and deliver genuine smiles.

Shop for flowers at Lily’s Florist today and spread happiness through the gift of beautiful flowers.