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When words aren’t enough to say what you mean, communicate through the language of flowers. Let Lily’s Florist help you with that. Our flower arrangements make expressive flower gifts that can help you convey what’s in your heart. Whether you’re saying “I miss you” or “I’m sorry,” we have the perfect floral ensemble to deliver your message of longing, regret, or love.

Shop today and discover the most awesome flower deals online!

Lily's Florist Express Same Day Delivery to Brighton

Lily’s Florist is where you can find bouquets and flower arrangements that will tug the heartstrings. Our hand-prepared floral creations are designed using the language of flowers. With our experienced partner florists, you’re assured of floral gifts that are not simply beautiful; they’re also thoughtful and meaningful.

To see is to believe, they say; so better order today and experience for yourself what it is like to send (or to receive) fresh flowers from Lily’s Florist 

Flower orders for same-day delivery must be placed before 2:00 PM Monday to Friday and before 10:00 AM Saturday.

Lily’s Florist Flower Deals

Shop this season’s best by ordering flowers from our Florist’s Choice category. These are hand-arranged floral displays filled with the day’s most gorgeous blossoms. Each stem of flower is handpicked and carefully inspected by our partner florist. Expect the floral design will be truly one-of-a-kind.

For the best flower deals, check our Freebies and On Sale categories. You can score big discounts up to 15% off plus chocolates or glass vases at no extra cost.

Affordable Bouquets and Gift Hampers in Brighton

We’re proud to bring you the best flower gifts at the cheapest prices. Browse our complete flower collection and see the many flower gift options you have. Aside from rose bouquets and mixed bouquets, we do have delightful gift hampers that you can send as it is or paired with a floral ensemble.

Order online at Lily’s Florist and enjoy the convenience of online flower shopping.