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“Thank you!” 

“These are wonderful!”

“You shouldn’t have, but I love it!”

These are just a few of the many positive responses you can get from people you give flowers to and probably you have said the same before when you also received one. Aaah... flowers can really be a breath of fresh air – literally! It’s one of nature’s finest gifts that we cannot get enough of!

If you live in Applecross or you know someone, a friend or a loved one there, now is a great time for you to let them know that you appreciate them. Lily’s Florist is now here to bring you better days with a fast flower delivery service.
Welcome ladies and gents! Lily’s Florist is happy to have you here.

Through the years of serving people as a delivery florist, our team always aims to render service that is worth remembering. We always make sure that the flowers we use are fresh cut from the local flower farms and assembled with complete care and enthusiasm. As the flowers are delivered to you, the flowers are carefully handled and as it arrives at your doorstep, you can guarantee that it remains in top condition.

Lily’s Florist can address your urgent need to send flowers. We deliver flowers the same day, fast, prompt, and always with a smile.

Would you like to wake up to mornings that remind you of your favourite season? Whether you are a winter, summer, fall, or spring person, there is a flower for every season that would make your heart leap. It can also help you know the best flowers to buy when it’s sunshiny bright outside or it’s raining cats and dogs.

Loving the season of flowers in Applecross

Winter blossoms

During the cold season, it’s really nice to see some colours popping out in your house that add an ambiance of warmth. It is a misconception that there are a few flowers that can be harvested during winter, there are actually a lot! For your winter dose of flowers, you can get primrose, calla lily, Japanese iris, anemone, violets, and begonia.

Spring blossoms

Oh, spring. The spring season effortlessly gives a feel of hope and new beginnings. Spring flowers are one of the things you should really look forward to when spring comes! Aside from the many flower festivals happening all over the place, you should take part and bring some flower love to someone or your home.  Try some blue scabiosa, orange heliconia, green gladioli, and pink azaleas!
Autumn blossoms

Cooler days are always a treat for anyone, much more if it is coupled with fresh vibrant flowers that put more beauty to a transition period of nature. Welcome these spectacular changes with some fall flowers like dahlias, echinacea, hibiscus, and tibouchinas.

Summer blossoms

Hooray for summer! People love the sun, the beach, and everything that connects to the robust energy of this season. The word summer alone gives people the sense spunk of action all over. Jump on the heat of the moment with perky flowers such as gerbera daisies, roses, tulips, and birds of paradise.

Year-round blossoms

Surround yourself with these flowers anytime of the year, no matter what season it is, you can be sure that these flowers are here to stay. Bring out the flower lover in you, and have some carnations, chrysanthemums, and asters.
The charming suburb of Applecross is located in Perth, Western Australia. It has a remarkable place in history as it is the location of Patriotic Grand Prix. Not only that, Applecross is also home to distinguished landmarks like the Waylen Bay, scenic old Majestic hotel spot, Perth Yacht Club, Raffles hotel, and the always stunning Swan Lake.

Lily’s Florist will do its best to keep you connected to your family and friends in Applecross. We guarantee you that they will love our flowers and love you more once they receive our premium, themed flower arrangements.