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Send fresh flower gifts to Bayswater North in Melbourne with ease through Lily’s Florist. We are a reliable online flower shop offering bouquets and flower arrangements for all occasions. Get same day delivery to anywhere in Bayswater North if you order before 2 PM Monday to Friday.

All our flowers are prepared by hand by experienced and talented partner florists. We only use the freshest blooms handpicked and inspected meticulously to ensure they’ll last long.

Order now and experience how fun, convenient, and affordable it is to shop for flower gifts online.

Shop Bouquets for All Occasions at Bayswater North

Today’s a great day to express your affection to someone you love. Surprise your partner, your Mum, or your best friend with a bunch of handpicked fresh flowers. We have a large selection of flower arrangements to match any occasion, your design preference, and even your budget. Most floral creations come in three sizes so you can pick the one that suits your requirements best.

We have chocolates, teddy bears, glass vases, and bottles of wine that you can add to any flower gift. Looking for a gift hamper? We have those, too.

Birthday Flowers Online

Celebrate a loved one’s birthday, the arrival of a new family member, a promotion or graduation, or simply turn an ordinary day into a remarkable one with a fresh flower gift. Our pink roses, frilly carnations in pastel hues, ivory flowers, lush greens, and captivating purple flower arrangements are sure to bring delight to whoever receives them.

You can rely on Lily’s Florist to get your gift in perfectly fresh condition and on time.

Bayswater North Florist Same Day Delivery

Count on us, too, to address your last-minute gift shopping needs. Our same-day flower delivery service allows you to get those rush gifts delivered to the recipients on the same day of your purchase. All you need to do is checkout the items in your cart by 2 PM on a weekday, that’s Monday to Friday. Please have your cart ready before 10 AM for same-day Saturday deliveries.

Order a bouquet of sunflowers and yellow blooms today and brighten someone’s day!