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Handmade flower bouquets delivered to your doorstep by Lily's Florist
Sunny skies in sunflowers...
Rainbow bright in mixed gerbera daisies...
Blushing cheeks in pink roses...
Pure intentions in white lilies...
All these are dreamy thoughts that can come true with flowers - flowers that can be delivered the same day right to your doorstep in Holland Park. Better be ready because happier days are waiting for you now that Lily's Florist has come to town!
A big hello to you from our family here at Lily's Florist! Our same day delivery service of flowers applies to orders made prior to 2 PM on a weekday and 10 AM on a Saturday. There is no stopping now to sending and receiving flowers because we guarantee that you will have the most fun flower shopping you have ever experienced.
It only happens here at Lily's Florist 
Aside from the freshest flowers and most talented partner florists that we have, we also take pride in our exceptional customer service bringing you themed floral creations and fast delivery of flowers to your family, friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances. All you need to do is order from our website using your Iphone, Android phone, or desktop computer.
It's an all you can shop website that lets you browse through various themes of flower bouquets and bunches ranging from birthdays to holidays, wedding proposals to anniversaries, and even get well flowers for your friends and family recovering in the hospital and sympathy and funeral flowers to pay tribute to a dearly departed.
Send flowers, welcome new beginnings in Holland Park
Here at Lily's Florist, every bouquet expresses a message of love, hope, friendship, and joy. Who will be you first recipient of captivating flower bunches?
A new officemate – Someone new at work can use a friendly bunch of flowers from you. Yellow Lily Bunch can alleviate first week jitters. Be a sweetheart and help the new one experience a smooth adjustment period.
A new neighbour – A new family just moved in right beside your house. Unfortunately, you don't cook or bake so you are left with sending flowers as a sign of warm welcome. Hey, most of the time, flowers make the best welcome gifts ever!
A new bundle of joy – Oh yes! There's a new addition to the family. It's time for some aunt or uncle duties. Visit a newborn baby and their recovering mother in the hospital and bring with you some Baby Girl Arrangement or Baby Boy Arrangement from our new baby flower collection.
Lily's Florist lets you share new beginnings with people through the loveliest flowers in town. Don't think twice, send flowers now from Lily's Florist.