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Same Day Delivery
Get the best flower gifts online here at Lily’s Florist. We are a trusted online flower store offering an extensive range of fresh flower gifts. From posies to grand bouquets of three dozen red roses, we have the perfect blooms to make any celebration blossom with cheer and good vibes. Shop now and discover the many wonderful flower gifts you can send to your loved ones.

Best Rated Online 

As a reputable online florist, we’re committed to delivering the freshest blooms and the most reliable flower deliver service. When you buy flowers from us, you’ll be buying from the best flower partners. We’ve partnered only with the finest flower experts in this part of Melbourne. They share the same passion as us in using fresh flowers to express affection, spread positivity, and strengthen relationships. 
Count on us and our team of partners to provide you with fresh flower gifts that can deliver special messages from your heart to your loved ones’.

Parkville Same Day Flower Delivery

If you order before 2PM on a weekday (Monday to Friday), our partners can arrange same day delivery. For Saturday orders placed before 10AM, same-day delivery can apply. Otherwise, flowers will be delivered the next day or on your preferred schedule. Feel free to order in advance, too, so you’ll never miss sending a gift again.

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets, floral arrangements, and gift hampers to homes, businesses, hospitals, churches, schools, and aged care facilities in and around the inner-city suburb of Parkville in Melbourne. 

Send Fresh Flowers Online to Parkville

Order now and give our instant flower delivery service a try! Buying flower gifts online at Lily’s Florist is so easy and ultra-convenient. Shop using your Smartphone or computer. Do your shopping anyday, anytime, from wherever you are in the world.

Choose from over a hundred floral designs and score some really good flower deals! Browse our flower collection now and discover what’s in store for you at Lily’s Florist.