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Welcome to Lily’s Florist!

Ashendon will be experiencing brighter days as Lily’s Florist delivers breathtaking flowers to your family and friends. Do you want to be a part of it? Sure you can!

You can find the suburb of Ashendon in Perth, Western Australia, situated in the city of Armadale. It was established in 2006 but was a former part of Karragullen. You can visit Ashendon by accessing the McNess Drive where you can also locate the picnic areas in town and the Canning Dam.
If you are fond of food deliveries in Ashendon then you will be delighted with our express flower delivery service. Lily’s Florist delivers handcrafted floral creations fresh and fast to your doorstep. Each flower arrangement is made up of fresh-cut flowers from the local flower farms of Ashendon. Aside from the speedy service, the flowers that you will receive are certainly premium in quality.

Here at Lily’s Florist, we believe that flowers are not only for women but for all genders! There is no particular colour or variant for a sexual orientation, just the beauty and essence of flowers.

In a year, there will be several times when you will need to send flowers as a gift or a tribute. There may be even times when you need to send flowers as a get-well token for someone who has not been feeling well.

Lily’s Florist has prepared a short list of flowers for all genders that you can give when a situation calls for the presence of lovely flowers.

Orange Roses

Roses are generally a favourite flower of many to give to someone they adore because besides the alluring presence of roses, it also exudes a scent that entices a passionate mood – perfect for getting attraction from your recipient.  Get this ball of energy from orange roses which are known to represent passion and sophistication.

Multi-coloured Snapdragons

Not too feminine and not too masculine – that is how you can describe the aura of these unique flowers. These dragon-looking flowers are not only interesting looking but also very meaningful because it symbolizes strength and honesty – values which we always look for in any kind of relationship.

Vanilla Orchids

Orchid flowers are always elegant looking. It is a top choice for every gender because of its neutral and minimalist appearance. A suitable adornment for a man’s bachelor pad or a woman’s coffee table by the window, vanilla orchids are the kind of floral accessory you would want in your home. Plus, vanilla orchids mean love, beauty, and charm all rolled into one.

Red Anthuriums

So classy and exquisite, red anthuriums are refreshing at the same time enticing to your recipient’s eyes. No need for flowery words because the anthurium flowers can express your positive feelings for someone with its appearance alone. Red anthuriums symbolize abundance and hospitality.
Give flowers anytime, anywhere and to anyone with the help of Lily’s Florist. You can visit our website to see more of our collection of floral arrangements that suit any event like graduation, anniversaries, birthdays, promotion, weddings, childbirth and even as tribute to a departed loved one.

Spend the most special moments with flowers and everything will fall into place. Lily’s Florist will always be a shoulder to lean on in times when you need an answer to all your floral questions.

Order now and spread some floral love in Ashendon!