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Same day flowers delivered fresh to East Brisbane 

Dear Lily’s Florist,
     It’s my best friend’s birthday tomorrow. It’s really hard to think of a gift since she almost has everything! She’s easy to please but I want to really make it special. I thought of flowers but I’m not so sure because she might think I am insinuating something else. I love her, yes, but only as a friend. Hope that didn’t sound bad, but I really want her to be happy on her special day. Please help!
                                                                                                                                                            Loving Guy Friend

Lily’s Florist is ready to address dilemmas like this. This may sound like a sad and happy story at the same time but there is nothing to worry about because fresh and fragrant flowers always save the day. With us, online flower delivery service is going to be a fun habit for you every now and then.

We deliver the same day!

Even if you remembered the birthday the last minute, we can still fix that especially if you can order from our website before 1:00 PM on weekdays. This applies to all our bouquet products which you can view by category in our online store. Browse as long as you like but make sure you’re all set prior the cut-off time. You can also process your payment online right away through your preferred credit card or your Paypal account.

Fresh-cut flowers hand-arranged by our expert partner florists

You will get to know how our talented partner florists are in East Brisbane once you trust us with your floral needs. At Lily’s Florist, a simple bunch of roses, carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums, gerberas, and the like will be made into an extraordinary floral masterpiece by our partner florists that your recipient will adore to the maximum!

The Answer

So, how do we help the letter sender? First, consider the occasion and take it from there. For this one, let’s go over Lily’s Florist’s Birthday Flowers.

Gerbera Bunch + Teddy + Birthday Balloons - Multicoloured gerberas are always a good selection when it comes to flowers given to friends. It’s radiant enough but not to daring not to mention the fact that you are sending it with a friendly teddy and good old pal, balloons.

Birthday Package Special – Now this is the tea: we have sent this delightful gift combo to pretty numerous recipients whose senders were their best guy friends. Our couriers who deliver this special noticed that aside from flowers, the chocolates get the limelight from the recipient – a tad brighter than the sender himself. Did we mention it’s a set in a box and ready for display? Your friend will love it!