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Lily’s Florist can supply you with flower arrangements for the office or floral displays for your workdesk at home to Archerfield daily

Promote innovation and productivity in the workplace by displaying some flowers and plants. 

Corporate Flowers Archerfield

We’re one of Brisbane’s top online florist delivering fresh flowers to the different suburbs in this city. Our partner florist specifically addresses the flower delivery requirements of the residents of this mixed-use suburb as well as those from the surrounding towns.

Lily’s Florist takes pride vast range of flower gifts for all occasions, for every budget. We deliver bunches of native flowers, bouquets of roses, mixed flower arrangements and flowers with gifts to both residential and commercial addresses in Archerfield. We’d be happy to deliver office-friendly flower sets in a box to commercial and industrial addresses in Archerfield.

Why display flowers in the workplace? To give your hardworking staff a spirit lift! Flowers have long been proven to reduce stress and negativity. Scientific studies have also provided evidence linking flowers with improved creativity and memory. And what comes from a positive-thinker, energized, and creative worker? Productivity. Yes, filling your office with fresh blossoms can help increase your staff’s ability to work better.

Flowers can easily put people in a good mood and you surely want to see a happy face on the people who works for you and the people you serve. So let Lily’s Florist deliver flowers to your office and help you freshen up the look of your work environment.

Lily’s Florist has a fine selection of workplace flowers that are guaranteed to make your office look great and more conducive for creativity, teamwork, and productivity. Designing your workspace using flowers is very easy and convenient especially when you shop for flowers online at Lily’s Florist.  

We recommend that you get our flower arrangements as these are already presented in ready-to-display boxes. This means you no longer have to do some flower trimming or arranging. You won’t need a vase, too.Taking care of box arrangements is more convenient as well because a soaked floral foam already provides water for the flowers.

Lily’s Florist delivers box arrangements to establishments and offices near Archerfield Airport and to homes around Oceania College of Technology. Archerfield houses less than a thousand residents where most are employed in the manufacturing industry. Archerfield offers easy access to Griffith University and University of Queensland as well as to Brisbane CBD which is just about 10 kilometres away.

Fresh Flower Gifts for All Occasions Delivered to Archerfield

Aside from preparing and delivering workplace flower arrangements for Archerfield businesses, we also have a wide assortment of flower gifts for all occasions. Count on us on reliable delivery of anniversary bouquets, birthday flowers, congratulations flowers and get well flowers. Flowers at Lily’s Florist can go as low as $28! Also available are flowers with gifts like birthday balloons, teddy bears, and elegant vases. Various gift hampers are also available. Lily’s Florist also designs and delivers sympathy and funeral flowers.

Lily’s Florist gives you the convenience of online shopping so you can get flower gifts for your loved ones without the hassle and without the stress. Shop from your workplace or from your bedroom at a time that’s most convenient for you. Our online flower store is open 24/7 and we accept phone orders during business hours.

Take a look at our flower deals for the week and see what you can get for your business or for your home office. With our affordable flowers, you can surely afford to buy something for work, for home, for family and friends, and for yourself.

Don’t forget to input a promo code during checkout to get an even bigger discount! For some wonderful savings, go to our Freebies category and choose if you’d want to get an arrangement with free vase or with free chocolates. Sweet flower deals are waiting for you right here at Lily’s Florist.