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Catch our online specials by shopping right this minute! Score huge discounts on selected flower gifts when you shop at Lily’s Florist!

We are your trusted online flower shop servicing the inner suburb of Middle Park in Melbourne. Same-day delivery is available so there’s no need for you to worry when shopping at the last minute. 

Affordable Fresh Cut Flowers in Middle Park, Melbourne 

Browse each of our thoughtfully categorised flower selections and find a wide array of beautiful bouquets and flower arrangements that you can send as gifts to your loved ones. Whether you’re sending birthday greetings or simply showing someone special that you care, you can find the perfect flower gift to deliver your affection here at Lily’s Florist. 

More than a hundred floral designs have been prepared for you by partners. Shop now and see that there’s an inexpensive but impressive bouquet that you can get to celebrate just about any occasion.

Send Bouquets and Flower Gifts to Middle Park

Anniversaries, new baby celebrations, graduations and achievements, birthdays – these joyous milestones in life deserve a festive and memorable ensemble of fresh flowers. Shop at Lily’s Florist and find flower arrangements beaming with beauty and good vibes. Our hand-arranged bouquets of yellow and orange flowers make the best gifts to bring even more cheer to joyful moments.

We also have get well flowers, sympathy flower arrangements, I’m sorry flowers, and thank you floral gifts. These expressive flower arrangements make the perfect tokens of your love, support, and care. Send them to loved ones in Middle Park and let them know that even when you’re far away, you still keep your family and friends in your heart.

Same-Day Flower Delivery

Place an order before 2:00 PM and our local florist will get your bouquet delivered on the same day. For Saturday same-day deliveries to Middle Park, we require that orders be placed before 10:00 AM. All flower arrangements will be creatively prepared by hand by reputable local florists nearest to the delivery address. We have a team of Middle Park flower experts who are ready to promptly and reliably take care of your fresh flower needs.

Shop at Lily’s Florist today and send the best flower gifts to your nearest and dearest.