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Count on our talented floral partners to provide you with mesmerizing flower gifts that you’d also want to get for yourself. Order a bouquet of peonies or pink roses today at Lily’s Florist and see how our impressive floral creation can brighten your loved one’s day.

Shop All Occasion Flower Gifts to Balwyn North 

Order flowers online and enjoy same-day delivery if you purchase before 2PM weekday (Monday to Friday or before 10AM Saturday. Our team of partners is ready to craft stunning arrangements of handpicked blossoms with the most vibrant hues and the most charming looks. Whatever occasion you’re celebrating, our partners can prepare and deliver a stylish bouquet to mark the special day. 

Premium, Contemporary Flower Arrangements to Balywn North

We only use fresh blossoms sourced from the best flower growers. Each stem of flower is carefully inspected to ensure it’s free of any flaw. Our florists use blooms with flawless leaves, firm stem, and spotless petals. We may include blooms in bud form in our bouquets and flower arrangements so that the gift will last longer, and the recipient can watch her flower gift blossom in beauty. 

Aside from colourful birthday flowers, romantic roses, expressive get-well flower arrangements, fancy thank you flowers, new born floral gifts, and sympathy flowers, we also have an exciting array of gift hampers. Along with a bouquet of fresh flowers, you can further sweeten your loved one’s day with a basket of chocolates or a hamper of fresh fruits.

Order Flowers Online, Get Same Day Delivery to Balwyn North

Send flowers to North Balwyn by ordering online at Lily’s Florist. We deliver not just to residential neighbourhoods but also to business addresses. Let us take care of your flower delivery needs. 

Get a beautiful ensemble of soft dusty pink roses, chrysanthemum disbuds, and gypsophilia today. Don’t forget to also check our Florist’s Choice section for one-of-a-kind flower arrangements.