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What can you get for a loved one today? Flowers! Shop right this minute and surprise someone special with an equally special bouquet of fresh and colourful blossoms.

Don’t wait till your anniversary or a society-designated flower-giving occasion to get your loved one flowers. Today is an opportunity for you to show your love. Use it and make her feel appreciated by sending an unexpected flower gift. Lily’s Florist offers a selection of “just because” bouquets perfect for simply reminding her that she’s in your thoughts.

Order Roses Online at Lily’s Florist

Flowers make simple and inexpensive gifts to give, and they can be really thoughtful and meaningful. Red roses, as we all know, is the flower of love and desire. On the other hand, red lilies communicate passion while red carnations signify admiration. Other romantic flowers include peonies, ranunculus which means everlasting love, tulips, orchids, and anemones. 

If you prefer to stick with the tried-and-true romantic gesture of sending a bouquet of roses, go ahead and get your beloved a bunch of beautiful roses. You may want to be extra intentional and choose the number of roses based on what you want to express. A single rose means “you’re still the one” and half a dozen roses mean “I want to be yours.” Ten roses say “You are perfection,” while a dozen says “Be mine.” Get fifteen roses if you have a reason to apologize. Send 36 roses to say “I’m head over heels in love with you.”

Carindale Flower Gift Delivery

Lily’s Florist has a vast assortment of floral gifts to suit different occasions, sentiments, and budgets.

Aside from romantic flowers, we also have celebration flowers fit for birthdays, graduations, baby showers and new baby. Sympathy flowers and get-well floral arrangements are likewise available.

Thinking of reaching out to a loved one far away? Go ahead and be in touch with them through flowers. You’d be surprised to know that many of your relatives and friends are just as eager to reconnect as you are. Get back in touch with a loved one, or a dear friend or colleague in Carindale by sending a flower gift.

Online Florist You Can Consistently Rely On

Quickly arrange a “thinking of you” flower gift delivery at Lily’s Florist. We offer the convenience and safety of online flower shopping. Shop whenever, wherever, and easily get fresh flowers delivered to Carindale. Order by 2 PM local time for Monday to Friday same-day delivery, and by 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery.