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Welcome to Lily’s Florist!

Maybe you are in a hurry to find the best online florist? Or you simply do not have the time to research and browse florist shops? Let Lily’s Florist take care of everything for you. Rest assured that the flowers you choose are the finest, freshest, most beautiful and will be delivered always timely. Your needs for flowers will be addressed by our professional partner florists in this suburb and you will get the most for the price worth!

Our online store is catered to the latest technology for easy, simple and practical access to what you need – no more wasting time on phonebooks, calling aimlessly for an order that could be simplified. Just check our site online and have fun while choosing. For those that are not fans of online orders, you also have the option of phone calling. And if you need a recommendation or an advice, it’s all good, because our staff always reaches out.

For every occasion, we have the right flowers; anniversaries, baby births, congratulations or condolences, Valentine’s day or just optimistic affections, we provide just the appropriate and right choice.

We have bunches and arrangements. In a gorgeous cardboard box, we have our arrangements that need no vase. They are the best choice for good wishes to hospital patients or elder people. They are best for girls and even fit great in a bachelor’s pad too!

Our bunches have luxurious paper wrapping and matching ribbon tied up. These need a vase and regular watering. If you know people with vases around the home, get bunches. The big bunches are even divided for several vases!

By now, you know what bunches and arrangements are. What about ordering?

Every person has unique liking of flowers, so to avoid making a mistake of picking improperly, we offer the Florist Choice arrangement or bunch of the daily best flowers. This option is worth the value. We have adorable lilies, but they are not for everyone. The smell is hypnotic good and strong, so someone with allergies would mind this. However, the lilies are gorgeous looking. For a large space, halls, cocktail parties or ventilated rooms they are perfect. Not the best choice for small rooms or hospitals though.

And roses, the everlasting classic beauty. We all like these timeless beauties. Most of our arrangements and bunches have gorgeous roses with even better and magical scent. They are well-known, classic, sophisticated and appropriate always and even for smaller spaces. You will never go wrong with roses.

Lastly, we have Australian natives; bold, brave, getting attention. Low maintenance flowers and stunning too. The people who don’t fuss too much over flowers, deserve Australian natives. The Native arrangement comes with a nice box, so they are already ready to be admired for weeks to come! A good investment for sure.

We look forward to helping you out!