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Order flowers online and surprise a loved one in South Melbourne with a blossoming gift. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or simply getting in touch with a loved one far away, our fresh flower arrangements can certainly deliver your love to someone special.

Shop now and explore the many flower gifting options you have.

Send Flowers to South Melbourne Today

Whatever the occasion, Lily’s Florist can prepare a dazzling floral ensemble to mark that special day and make it more memorable. Anniversary, birthday, arrival of a new baby, graduation, promotion, a milestone – name it, you can celebrate it with fresh flowers. Browse our flower collection and easily find the perfect flower gift for your loved ones. 

From posies and bouquets to flower arrangements and gift hampers, we offer you fine flower gifts at the best value.

Bouquets South Melbourne Same Day Delivery

Send a bouquet of roses with chocolates, an arrangement of white blossoms, pink flowers with teddy bear, or a pampering gift hamper. These are all available here at Lily’s Florist. Check out before 2:00 PM (Monday to Friday) and our local florist will prepare and deliver your order on the same day. Please have your cart ready for check-out before 10:00 AM for same-day delivery during Saturdays.

You can rely on our team of network partners to immediately attend to your fresh flower needs. Now you don’t need to worry about shopping at the last minute. Let us help you get a bunch of beautiful blossoms to a loved one’s home.

South Melbourne Affordable Flowers

Our high-quality flower arrangements all come with reasonable prices. You can even get discounts up to $21 off on selected flower packages. Want a freebie? Shop from our Freebies section, pay for fresh flowers and get a box of chocolates at no extra cost. 

Lily’s Florist delivers flowers for all occasions to all addresses in the inner suburb of South Melbourne 3km south of Melbourne CBD. We deliver fresh flower gifts to homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, churches, and aged care facilities in and around this area historically known as Emerald Hill. 

Order at Lily’s Florist today and grab a flower deal!