Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Buy flowers online and save not just money but also time. Shop at Lily’s Florist and experience a convenient way of arranging flower deliveries to your loved ones in the inner suburb of East Melbourne. No queuing in line, no driving to the store required. Shop from wherever you are in the world, at a time convenient for you, during your coffee break or while cooking breakfast. 

Our online flower shop is a safe and secure portal where you can buy beautiful flower gifts for all of your loved ones. Whether you need a birthday bouquet for Mum, a rose ensemble for your significant other, or a new baby flower package for a dear friend who just gave birth, you can find the most thoughtful flower present here at Lily’s Florist. 

Discount Bouquets to East Melbourne

We also have bouquet and bunches at discounted prices! Get up to 15% discount on a VIP bunch of lilies and roses or bright mixed flowers. Get a box of chocolates at no extra cost when you purchase our Florist’s Choice Birthday Arrangement. Want a free classy glass vase? Shop from our Freebies section for deals that are hard to resist. 

We’re aiming to provide our customers with plenty of opportunities to keep in close touch with their nearest and dearest that’s why we made sure our prices remain to be reasonable and affordable. With our low-priced but high-quality flowers, you can send expressive flower gifts to your loved ones without having to worry about your budget. 
Flower Arrangements to East Melbourne 

All our floral creations are thoughtfully designed and prepared by hand by our network partner florists. We have a team of partners who are passionate about their craft. You can count on us to provide you with flowers that we ourselves would be proud to showcase and be happy to receive. 

Take a look at each of our flower categories and find stylish bouquets that can make your loved one smile. 

Same Day Flower Delivery East Melbourne

Check out your cart before 2PM and we’ll have your flower gift delivered to the lucky recipient on the same day (Monday to Friday). We also deliver fresh flowers and gift hampers during Saturdays, with same day delivery applicable to orders placed before 10AM. 

Order a bouquet of roses and carnations today and let us prepare a stunning floral gift that will certainly wow your loved one.