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Looking for a meaningful gift? Get at expressive bouquet at Lily’s Florist.

We specialise in flower arrangements that are not only impressive in looks but also expressive in meaning. Our flower collection features different bouquets and flower arrangements that can help you communicate what’s in your heart. Find the best flowers to say “I love you more every day,” “I can’t wait to be with you,” or “thank you for coming into my life” right here.

Order Flowers Online for Aspley Delivery

Each bouquet we create is designed based not just on the basics of flower arranging but also on the language of flowers. Our experienced florists are adept in speaking this unique language that dates back to Victorian times. The flowers we use carry symbolisms and special messages that allow you to send a beautiful and also meaningful gift.

Browse our flower collection and see our different flower categories that make flower shopping more convenient for you. Our Birthday Flowers are designed with a vibrant appeal to bring even more cheer to a happy day. Our Baby Flowers reflect the joy of welcoming a new member of the family. Our Bunches and Arrangements are perfect for expressing affection and gratitude.

Romantic Bouquets by Lily's Florist

For flower gifts expressing romance, we have an assortment of bouquets featuring roses – the flower of love. We also have pastel pink bouquets reminiscent of young love. Celebrating a milestone in your relationship? Our bouquets with wine and chocolates would make the perfect flower gift.

If you are still unsure of which flower arrangement to send, shop from our Florist’s Choice category for unique floral gifts composed of the day’s finest blossoms.

Aspley Same Day Delivery

All flower arrangements we deliver are prepared by hand by a creative partner florist. We offer same-day delivery to anywhere in the suburb of Aspley that’s north of Brisbane CBD. Checkout your cart by 2PM Monday to Friday and before 10AM Saturday for your flower gift to be delivered on the same day of purchase.

Treat someone you care about to a lovely and thoughtful gift today. Choose fresh flowers and choose Lily’s Florist.