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Same Day Delivery
Handmade floral arrangements delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist to South Brisbane

We are inviting you to a whimsical experience with flowers!

Right here at Lily’s Florist, we deliver your favourite flowers the same day when you order online. Same day delivery of flowers is for orders made by cut-off time of 1 PM on a weekday. Join the bandwagon of making people in South Brisbane happy through flowers with quick delivery, fresh flowers, and efficient delivery online delivery system by Lily’s Florist.

Your favourite flowers are now available online in South Brisbane

Flowers have been known to bring constructive effects on humans. One of which is it enhances mood and positivity at the same time speeds up recovery of those impaired with illness.  Do you have a favourite flower? If you don’t have a lot of idea about flowers, you can seek help from our trusted flower experts.

They will assist you if roses fit for birthdays or lilies can be a great congratulatory gift. Ask them away when you chat with them or you may also call and email them.

On the other hand, we assure you that everything you need is already on our website. It’s secure and designed for your easy use. Savour the flavour of festivities with our themed bouquets, bunches, posies, plants, and basket arrangements. Lily’s Florist South Brisbane also has sympathy and funeral flowers that can be directly delivered to a funeral home or cemetery.

Your heart in the world of flowers in South Brisbane

Thankful Heart – If you want to thank someone for something they did to you, flowers can be a best option to express your gratitude.  Warm & Fuzzy bouquet is a great thank you bouquet of purple and pink Asters. You can pair it with chocolates to make your recipient more than glad.

Loving Heart – Your loved ones and friends are the most important people for you and making them happy will never be an obligation. They would undoubtedly appreciate Magical Pastel delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist.

Lonely Heart – Feeling lonely at times is inevitable for anyone but you should be able to move forward no matter what. Let flowers encourage you with hope and motivation. Spring Joy delivered in a vase will definitely make you feel lighter. Try it, you won’t regret it.

Longing Heart – Missing someone becomes harder every single day that goes by. Fill the distance with warmth through a rose bouquet of Coming Home.