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Grandparents anniversary is always a time of major celebration. Their wedding anniversary is a time to honour their life and the happiness that they have given their loved ones. Their life has been an extension of their love for each other and their family. A couple work very hard to make a relationship work. It takes immense strength for a couple to take care of and raise children. After the trying times they receive the blessing in the form of their grand children.  They strive to see their whole family happy. Grand children too share a very special bond with the grand parents. When you are celebrating your grandparents’ wedding anniversary make sure that you decorate the venue very well. Flowers always bring happiness to people and lend a smile to their face. Lily's Florist offer good quality fresh flowers that you can use for decoration. Your family will surely be happy with the gesture. Make sure that you add the flowers that your grandparents love the most.

We have our associate florists spread across Australia. We have warehousing services that help maintain the freshness of the flowers. You can find all our designer bouquets on our website. We have bouquets as well as floral arrangement that are designed especially for decoration purpose. Apart from flowers we also sell a variety of gifts. You can send flowers throughout the day to your grandparents along with the gifts to make their day all the more special. Our gifts include soft toys, assorted chocolates and variety of wine. Wine will add an elegant touch to your gifting. You can also opt for gift hampers like savoury treats, chocolates and seasonal fruits.  

The website is very user friendly and easy to navigate through. You can order the flowers at your comfortable time to Corinda. The flowers will be delivered to the address within 24 hours. Your loved ones will be very pleased with the exotic collection of flowers. Lily's Florist  have special designed bouquets to suit a number of events.  The bouquets are arranged by experienced florists. We have bouquets that suit different budget needs. So, no matter what your budget is you will surely get the bouquets to suit your occasion. If the flowers happen to reach in a damaged condition, it will be replaced within 24 hours by Lily's Florist.

If you have loved ones in this place and wish to send beautiful flowers to them, consider the services of Lily's Florist. Your loved ones will be very happy with the presentation