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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
No doubt about it, you are the chosen one!

Today, you will love flowers more through Lily’s Florist  – where flowers are delivered to you the same day, fresh, fast, and always on time! Our partner florists have collected all the love and joy in Ferney Grove to be able to create floral masterpieces which can easily get through a person’s heart.

Any bad day can turn out more than ok with same day flowers from Lily’s Florist.

Premium online flower delivery service in Ferney Grove, Brisbane

A celebration will never be the same without flowers. It gives life to birthdays and serves as a gleaming decor on every occasion. The richness of colours and sweetness of its scents are more than enough to give off the lightest ambience for every guest in the party.

Lily’s Florist takes this to heart and has launched an online delivery system that will let you reach out to your family and friends with flowers more often and faster. If you order from our website before 2 PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays, our very efficient team will deliver your ordered flowers to your recipient the same day.

Feel free to spend your idle time or break time perusing our regularly updated flower catalogue showcasing our categorized flowers ranging from birthday flowers to sympathy flowers. Lily’s Florist also has plant arrangements and gift hampers. You can access our secure website using your Iphone, Android phone, laptop, or desktop computer.

If you have no time to browse completely, you can use our search bar or better yet, contact us through live chat, email, and telephone hotline for assistance. We would love to hear from you!

Top 3 Reasons to love flowers more

Everytime you are losing track of your flower habit. Remember these three reasons why you should send flowers more often.

Giving makes you happy – Sharing the love through flowers can be your happy entry in your journal each day. Even the simplest things, when done out of kindness can have big positive repercussion. Start simple with A Single Wrapped Red Rose.

It can save someone’s day – You never know what people around you are going through but when you feel someone needs a floral hug, you send those flowers pronto. Our Florist Choice Arrangement shall take care of this one.

Flowers are simply stunning – Its beauty is natural and neverending. Flowers effortlessly can make anyone smile and feel brighter. Australian Native Bunch is one proof that we can never thank nature enough for such lovely gifts like flowers.