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Same Day Delivery
Lily’s Florist  delivers premium flower bouquets the same day to Eagle Farm QLD

“You look glowing today! What’s your secret?”

When you keep on hearing this comment from people you meet everyday, you can’t help but tell them about your little secret that keeps you glowing day by day. It’s simple, every morning as you wake up; you get an instant boost of energy from the freshest flowers of Eagle Farm delivered by Lily’s Florist.

Lily’s Florist brings you a new experience in the world of online flower delivery service. Our team, together with our efficient website work hand in hand to provide you fast same day flower delivery service in Eagle Farm. Our same day flower delivery services are for flowers ordered prior to cut-off time at 1 PM on a weekday.

Consistently Reliable Flower Experts

Our partner florists were selected after a thorough training in floristry and effective customer service. We are confident that their love for flowers plus their unmatchable skills will produce the floral creations meant for you, your family, and friends.

Here at Lily’s Florist, we ensure to create hand-arranged floral bouquets that can accurately express an emotion or a message you want to send to your recipient. Each occasion has a special collection of flowers with combined designs from both classic and modern floristry. 

Easy ordering, speedy delivery of flowers in Eagle Farm

By using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, and desktop computer, you can access our easy to navigate online store. Check our website for the categories like bouquets, sympathy flowers, get well flowers, and flowers for all occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Christmas Day, Mother’s Day, and other festivities.

We also have plant and basket arrangements as well as gift items such as chocolates, balloons, teddy bear, and your favourite bottle of wine. Our online payment partners will secure your purchases; you can pay via PayPal, Visa, Maestro, and American Express cards.

Other reasons for sending flowers

Sometimes sending flowers can be misinterpreted. Here are some tips to avoid that awkward circumstance.

Turning someone down – Instead of saying NO directly, you should be soft and gentle to the person by sending a yellow or striped carnation or a yellow chrysanthemum which means a mild refusal.

Letting go and saying goodbye – When things stop working fine and love got lost, ease the pain in goodbye with a sweet pea blossom because saying goodbye has its own kind of beauty.

I see you as my friend only – When your congeniality is misinterpreted for romance, make sure you know how to break the news gently to your admirer. Freesia or Iris will be a great choice for flowers which means friendship.