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Proudly serving the Ascot area, we at Lily’s Florist is committed to providing fresh flowers that we ourselves would be happy to receive. We only use the finest and freshest blooms handpicked to ensure perfection. Our expert florists apply the fundamentals of flower arranging plus the language of flowers to create floral designs that are not just beautiful but also meaningful.

Shopping for flowers at Lily’s Florist means that you’ll be getting a floral gift that will surely bring delight to the lucky recipient. Order a bouquet today and see how our thoughtfully designed flower arrangement can instantly brighten one’s day.

Fast Flower Delivery to Ascot, Brisbane

We have dependable partner florists ready to attend to your most urgent flower delivery needs. Same day flower delivery is available and all you need to do is place an order before 2PM Monday to Friday and before 10AM Saturday. A partner florist nearest to the recipient’s address will handle the preparation and flower delivery.

Shop today and surprise someone you care about with a wonderful flower arrangement that will boost her mood and turn her ordinary day special.

Flowers for All Occasions Hand-Arranged by Experienced Flower Experts

Lily’s Florist is also the best source for flower gifts for special occasions. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and the birth of a new baby with a fresh flower gift. We have the brightest flower arrangement that will complement any festive day.

Need to send get well wishes to someone? We have the perfect flowers to send your wishes of good health and speedy recovery. We also have Thank You flowers and I’m sorry flowers. Valentine’s Day bouquets and Christmas flowers are available by season.

Bouquets Same Day Delivery to Ascot

Browse our full flower collection and find the perfect gift for your loved ones in Ascot. Don’t forget to check out Freebies category for fantastic deals you must take advantage of. If you’re still unsure of which floral design to pick, you won’t go wrong with our Florist’s Choice.

Happy flower shopping!