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For sure you’ve been on the receiving end of someone’s kindness.   It feels so good, right? We can tell it feels even better being the person giving it. Why not use today as an opportunity to spread kindness or maybe repay the good deed you received to others? Lily’s Florist can be your partner in paying it forward with flowers.

What can you do? Here are some ideas.

Pass out flowers to random people. Get one of the affordable bunches of mixed blooms at Lily’s Florist and hand a bloom randomly to people passing by your street, or in your office, or in your favourite park.  We believe that flowers are bringers of joy and studies have proven this many times. The single blossom you give out to strangers might be just what each one of them needs in order to smile a genuinely happy smile and feel hopeful. 

You can also send a “just because” flower gift to someone special. It could be your wife or partner, your Mum, or your best friend. Send someone you love a bouquet of dainty carnations and let her know how special she is. No need to wait for an occasion to celebrate love or friendship, or to show how much you care. 

Curious what our moist popular product it? It's our outstanding Deal Of The Day.

Arrange a flower delivery to a hospice care center or a nursing home. If you’re feeling more generous with your treasures, send some flowers as gift to the elderly and to the sick. Freshen up the look and atmosphere in a hospice or aged care centre through the beauty of fresh blossoms. Spread joy and offer comfort just by prettifying such facilities with fresh flower arrangements.

Know someone who’s feeling under the weather or down in the dumps? Lily’s Florist has a wide assortment of get-well flowers and cheer-up flowers available for same-day delivery. Let our partner florists’ wonderful floral creations speed up someone’s recovery or lift up someone’s spirits.

Spread Joy Through Special Flower Deliveries

Lily’s Florist is ready to help you spread happiness and give joy to strangers and to people you love. Celebrate someone’s kindness by doing a good deed for someone else. A gift as small as a wrapped single gerbera is enough to bring a huge change to someone’s day.

Use Lily’s Florist’s fresh flower creations to deliver smiles and remind people to always see the good in everything.

For your flower delivery needs, count on Lily’s Florist. We deliver to private homes, offices, churches, and schools in and around the rural residential suburb of Banjup in Perth. Our partner florist hand-delivers flower gifts and floral arrangements to addresses around Aubin Grove Primary School, Atwell Primary School, Beenyup Road, and Harper Road. You can rely on us, too, for flower deliveries to hospitals and nursing homes around Banjup.

Order flowers before 2:00 PM Monday to Friday or before 10:00AM Saturday so you can avail of our express same-day delivery to Banjup. Buying flowers online at Lily’s Florist is so easy and convenient. No need to drive far or travel miles just to get to a shopping centre and go through a crowd of flower shoppers on Valentine's Day. Now you can shop for flower gifts wherever you are, without having to leave your home or workplace. With our online flower shop that’s open 24/7, you can purchase flowers even when you’re outside Australia and in a different time zone.

Arranging a flower delivery to your loved ones’ addresses in Banjup is easy, fast, and stress-free when you shop at Lily’s Florist.

So what are you waiting for? Browse our flower collection right now and see tangible reminders of optimism and kindness and love and happiness. Our flowers are guaranteed to communicate all of that and more. Do a random act of kindness or pay a good deed forward by surprising a stranger or your nearest and dearest with fabulous flowers delivered by Lily’s Florist.