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Brighten your mood, your day, and your space with fresh flowers. Conveniently order online at Lily’s Florist. We have affordable bunches and beautiful floral arrangements ready to add color, life, and beauty to your ordinary day. 

Shop Flowers and Gifts Online at Lily’s Florist

Choose from our diverse curation of floral bunches, hand-tied bouquets, and box and vase flower arrangements. We have something to suit every personality, every style and design taste, and budget. You’re to discover beautiful flower gifts for every celebration, too. Browse by bouquet color, flower type, or occasion. Lily’s Florist has prepared a vast assortment of floral creations to address your specific needs. 

If you’re on the lookout for delightful food gift baskets, live flowering plants, or green baskets of fresh foliage, you can find them all too at Lily’s Florist. 

Fast Same Day Flower Delivery to Spotswood, VIC

We know our beautiful creations will be put to waste if they won’t be on time to mark a special day. That’s why we’ve built a strong network of reputable florists to help us promptly address your flower delivery requirements. We offer different delivery options including next-day, pre-scheduled, and same-day delivery. 

Place an order days or weeks ahead of your preferred delivery schedule. If you’re shopping at the last minute, don’t worry. Just order before 2 pm for Monday to Friday same-day flower delivery to Spotswood in Melbourne. Check out your cart earlier on a Saturday, before 10 am, for Saturday same-day delivery. 

Bouquets for Every Occasion

Our floral creations come in many forms and varieties. We have flower arrangements in monochromatic and colourful palettes. Celebrate romantic love with a red or pink bouquet and celebrate friendship with a bright yellow or yellow-orange floral ensemble. Wish someone the best of health with a zen plant basket or a modern green or blue floral arrangement.

Extend condolences with a traditional white flower arrangement or a modern purple floral sympathy flower gift. 

At Lily’s Florist, you can also find non-floral gifts like vases, chocolates, teddy bears, and balloons that can be added to any bouquet. The personal message that you want to go with your gift will be printed on our elegant greeting card. 

Still unsure what to get? Our Florist’s Choice or Deal of the Day would be your best bet. You can also chat with us for assistance. 

Shop now at Lily’s Florist and allow us to take care of your flower delivery needs in and around Spotswood, Victoria, delivered by our expert network partners.