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Warm greetings from Lily’s Florist! How can we help you today?

He loves me. She loves me not. He loves me. She loves me... Wait! Stop picking the petals of your flowers! As much as the act gives you entertainment and a little twinge of hope, isn’t it best for you to preserve the flower instead? Why don’t you give flowers to someone, Lily’s Florist is your reliable floral buddy when it comes to delivering the most impressive flowers in town.

If you are looking for unique floral designs and themed floral arrangements, please feel free to browse our page which you can access by using your smart phones, tablets, and desktop computers. In there, you can see the final hand made products of our partner florists who lay their skillful hands lovingly to farm-fresh flowers to turn it into something that can strike the heart the most.

Don’t be mistaken, even if our flower arrangements are premium in quality, the cost is very affordable and we guarantee you that you will get more than what you pay for. Not only that, our collection is diverse and covers what you need whether you want something for a celebration or a solemn ceremony.

You can send flowers through us the same day or next day. If you need to send an urgent floral gift in the middle of the day, don’t fret; just place your orders by 2 PM cut-off time on Mondays through Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays.

Want to know more about flowers? We’ve got something for you.

Lily’s Florist list of long-lasting flowers

It’s normal for us flower lovers to weep with flowers as they wilt and begin to die. We know it’s inevitable since it is nature’s cycle. But no worries, there are a number of flowers which have longer life span.

You can smile now, there’s still hope to enjoy the freshness of flowers longer.

Chrysanthemums – These blossoms come in a variety of colours and can last up to 30 days! That’s one whole month of charm and freshness; just make sure that you practice the proper way of taking care of it and that includes fresh water every day.

Freesia – The eye-catching appearance and enchanting fragrance of this flower is worth craving for! Well, if you send this to your recipient, they are in luck because freesias fragrance and form stay intact for 10 days.

Orchids – Did you know that all varieties of orchids have long life spans? Yes! This glamorous exotic flower can last until 21 days with proper care and nutrition. There’s three whole weeks for you to get mesmerized by this elegant-looking blossoms.

Gladiolus – These vibrant flowers are all you need to make your days more lively and colourful for 10 days. Hydration is important especially with this kind because it requires plenty of water.

Alstroemeria – Unique and pretty blossoms like alstroemerias can preserve its freshness for up to two weeks.

Carnations – Everybody loves these dainty, colourful blossoms and you would love them even more especially when you discover that these flowers can last up to 14 to 21 days.

Life spans of flowers may vary, some may have shorter life and some are longer-lasting but regardless of the length of their life spans, it’s important to also have the knowledge to know how to take care of flowers properly.

Delivering eye-catching flowers to Doolandella

Lily’s Florist delivers to various areas in Doolandella including Sydney-Smith Medical PTY Ltd. And Doolandella Early Learning Centre.