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Looking for flowers in autumn tones? Need an all-pink bouquet? Want a bunch of deep orange gerbera daisies and pale apricot roses? Shop at Lily’s Florist and discover a large selection of fresh flower arrangements you can get for your home, yourself, or for someone you love.

Flower Delivery to Clayton by Lily’s Florist 

If you’re in need of amazing flowers at amazing prices, you only need to shop online at Lily’s Florist. We have a fine selection of bouquets, bunches, flowers in vase, and gift hampers that you can send as gifts to family, friends, and loved ones. In our collection are hand-arranged floral gifts to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, new babies, and all of life’s milestones.

Seasonal flowers for Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day are also available depending on the time of the year. Whatever floral gift you have in mind, you’re sure to find it at a great price here at Lily’s Florist.

Fast and Convenient Online Flower Shopping

Add a bouquet to your cart today and check out in just a few clicks. We make flower shopping fun, convenient, and fast. All flower arrangements are categorised appropriately so you can easily find the flowers you need. Our partner florists are experienced florists who are passionate about using the language of flowers in crafting floral designs that will speak to the heart.

So if you need to say “I miss you,” “I love you,” or “I’m sorry,” you have our flowers to count on. Let us deliver your special message through one of our expressive bouquets.

Same Day Flower Delivery to Clayton

Orders placed before 2 PM on a weekday (Monday to Friday) and before 10 AM Saturday are eligible for same-day delivery. We deliver bunches, flowers with wine, bouquets with chocolates, and vase arrangements to residential addresses as well as commercial addresses in Clayton.
Shop for a pretty pastel bouquet or a bright mixed arrangement today and surprise someone you love in Clayton.