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Attending a backyard party? Don’t forget to bring something for the hostess.

When you have been invited to a party or celebration – be it a barbecue with friends, a housewarming, or a holiday party - it’s important that you don’t show up empty-handed. Your gift is a way to say “thank you for having me.”  A gift for the hostess is also a token to show your appreciation for the host’s preparation – the good food and the fun time. 

You don’t have to buy something so fancy and expensive. A small, thoughtful gift is all that’s needed to thank a gracious host for the good time. A dessert would be nice and sweet.  Something indulgent like a spa-at-home gift set would be lovely. Something for the kitchen is a classic choice; if you want yours to be a little more unique, be creative and send an unexpected item like a shot-size set of mason jars or monogrammed bottle stoppers.

If you still can’t decide which gift to choose, just pick a flower and wine combo from Lily’s Florist. Our flowers make awesome hostess gifts. They’re stylish enough to decorate any room and complement any interior design. Lily’s Florist’s fresh flower creations are expressive, too. Because our partner florists apply the language of flowers in designing every floral ensemble, expect to see a dramatic gathering of handpicked blooms that beautifully expresses your heartfelt sentiments.

We also have gift baskets perfect for sharing with the entire family. For your foodie friends, get our gift basket filled with sweet and savoury snacks. For a chocolate-lover hostess, get Lily’s Florist’s sweet treats gift hamper. You can also include a flower arrangement together with any of our gift hampers.

Hostess gifts don’t have to be elaborate or high priced so our flowers under $50 would make excellent gifts if you’re on a budget. We also have bunches that come with an elegant keepsake vase at no extra cost. Pick our Florist’s Choice bunch or arrangement for an interesting assembly of this season’s most gorgeous blossoms.

When you need presents to express gratitude, appreciation, love and affection, just shop at Lily’s Florist. Our online flower store not only offers hostess gifts but also a wide range of flower gifts for all occasions. We can prepare birthday bouquets, anniversary roses, get-well flowers, and even sympathy sheaths and wreaths.

Lily’s Florist delivers fresh flowers to the residential suburb of Bateman in Perth, WA. This well-located suburb has a continuously growing population because of its proximity to basic amenities and its family-friendly neighbourhood. Lily’s Florist is happy to be the trusted delivery florist of the people of Bateman.

Our flowers have reached residences surrounding the two primary schools in the area namely Bateman Primary School and Yiddara Catholic Primary School. We can likewise hand-deliver flower gifts to addresses around Corpus Christi College, George Welby Park, and Mandala Hall.

Ordering flowers at Lily’s Florist is so easy and convenient and you can do it online or by phone. We accept online orders 24/7 and we deliver fresh flowers to Bateman from Monday to Saturday. Flower purchases placed before 2PM M-F and before 10AM Saturday are eligible for express same day delivery.

When you’re in need of a gorgeous flower gift, simply go online and order from Lily’s Florist. Our beautiful floral creations are not just perfect as hostess gifts, they also make thoughtful regrets present. If you are unable to make it to someone’s invitation, send your regrets with a gift of fresh flowers delivered by Lily’s Florist. Your floral gift acts as a polite response to someone’s invitation and at the same time a symbol of your best wishes. Even if you can’t make it to the celebration, it’s as if you’re there in spirit with your flower gift.

Browse our flower collection now and see what we have in store for you. Remember to check our flower on sale and input your voucher code, if you have any, to enjoy bigger savings on fresh flowers from Lily’s Florist.