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Flowers do have power. They do more than simply look pretty. You’re sure familiar with how some blooming botanicals are used for making herbal medicine. And your usual bouquet? Notice how it improves your mood or how the sight of fresh flowers on your bedside table makes you smile. Remember how receiving a bouquet feels.

Multiple scientific studies have confirmed the positive benefits of fresh flowers on one’s well-being. Lily’s Florist recognises this power of flowers and we’re here to help you make the most of it.

Shop Luxe Flowers at Lily’s Florist

Surprise someone you care about with a “just because” flower gift today. Arrange an unexpected flower delivery and see how a luxurious ensemble of fresh flowers can make a huge difference in their ordinary day. Lily’s Florist offers a wide selection of hand-arranged bouquets, flowers in vases, and floral bunches perfect for gifting.

Don’t wait for someone’s birthday or for a holiday to treat someone to a bunch of blooms. Grab today’s chance to show your love and make a VIP in your life feel appreciated and special.

Affordable Celebration Flowers in Islington, NSW

Our floral creations are a perfect choice, too, when marking special occasions. Celebrate a milestone, birthday, anniversary, graduation, or new baby with one of our bold and vibrant floral arrangements. Our partner florists assure you of lush arrangements with carefully chosen blooms and fresh foliage. We also have chocolates, wine, teddy bears, and classic glass vases that can be added to any floral gift.

You can also use our bouquets and flower arrangements as messengers to connect you closer to your family, friends, and loved ones in Newcastle. Say “I can’t wait to be with you” or “Please forgive me” through the language of flowers. We have expressive bouquets that can help you convey your sincere intention and your heartfelt message.

Newcastle Same Day Flower Delivery

Arranging a flower delivery to Islington is easy. Order online at Lily’s Florist and enjoy a stress-free flower shopping experience. Same-day delivery is available. Just place an order before 2 PM in the recipient’s time zone for Monday to Friday same-day delivery. Order before 10 AM local time for same-day delivery on a Saturday.

Lily’s Florist delivers to hospitals, churches, nursing homes, schools, business addresses, and to every residential address in the suburb of Islington in the city of Newcastle.