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Artisanal flower bouquets delivered at your door the same day to Hawthorne
The emotional space between people shouldn't be that far apart. In most cases, no man is an island so it's important to keep your doors open for communication and put a thick spread of love for the mankind sandwich.
It's not easy being friendly but it sure is easy to send flowers and make friends right after. No initial physical contact at first because all you have to do is order online and send those flowers to your recipient through Lily's Florist.
Fun, fast and easy online flower shopping in Hawthorne
Each bouquet we deliver is hand-arranged by our florists and made of only the freshest flowers, sourced and cut with care. We sure give proper credit to our floral creations because we know how these can colour your days with joy and friendship. Be a flower lover once you browse our updated flower catalogue on our website.
We made the effort to categorize the flowers according to the occasion and kind so you will have an easy experience when you shop with us. If you need to send a birthday gift, we have vibrant birthday flowers and gift hampers. Are you looking for an affordable bouquet with premium flowers? You can check our 15% off and on sale flowers. How about roses? Lily's Florist has a whole rose selection featuring roses in various colours and arrangements.
On the other hand, if you need a décor for your event or something to liven up your home, our ready-for-display arrangements can give you what you want. These are already set-in-a-box so no need to look a flower vase for this. Check our bunches category also for a mix of simple and classy bunches great for sending on random holidays or ordinary days.
Up next are our new baby flowers. Lily's Florist has cute and adorable arrangements to welcome a new bundle of joy, both for girls and boys! Find double the joy when you consider looking at our Freebies section and get a grand floral gift package showcasing both flowers and exciting gift items like chocolates, teddy bears, and balloons!
Last but not least are our sympathy and funeral flowers. Spectacular flowers are woven in heavenly designs to offer hope and comfort for someone who lost a loved one. Lily's Florist can send this on the memorial service or to the home of the family left behind.
Trusted flowers to Hawthorne of all time
Choose us as your flower partner in Hawthorne and we will never let you down. With Lily's Florist, there is always a way to connect with someone – near or far.