Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Get fresh flowers delivered to your loved ones in Port Melbourne today. Simply order online at Lily’s Florist and we’ll get your gift delivered on the same day of your purchase. Please have your cart checked out before 2PM Monday to Friday and before 10AM Saturday for our ultra-fast same-day delivery.

We offer a large selection of fresh flower gifts to celebrate any special day. Whether you need a big and bold birthday bouquet or a dreamy and romantic bouquet of pastel flowers, you can find the floral design you need here at Lily’s Florist.

Best Flower Arrangements to Port Melbourne

Our flowers make the perfect gifts for your loved ones. Their freshness can uplift spirits and boost moods. The natural beauty and charm of our fresh flower arrangements are sure to bring delight to whoever receives them. So if you want to bring a smile to someone special’s heart, send a hand-arranged bouquet from Lily’s Florist. 

Port Melbourne Same Day Delivery

Shop now and explore our large selection of flower gifts. We have roses with chocolates, bouquets with teddy bear, ready-for-display flowers in vase, boxed arrangements, and gift hampers. Part of our flower collection are birthday blooms, anniversary flowers, funeral flowers, sympathy flowers, get well floral arrangements, and new baby flower gifts.

We also have an amazing line up of flower gifts at discounted prices. You can save up to $21 and you may even get a box of chocolates at no extra cost.

Send Flower Gifts Online

You’ll love the convenience of shopping for flower gifts online. No waiting in line, no driving necessary. Order flowers during your coffee break or just before you go to bed. Shop easily from wherever you are in the world. Shop at your most convenient time or shop the last minute! 

Our safe and secure online flower shop accepts orders 24/7. We’ve partnered with floral experts and they’ll handle the preparation and super speedy delivery of your flower gift. 

Let our flowers help you keep in touch with loved ones far away. Order flowers now at Lily’s Florist.