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Same Day Flowers Delivery To Greenslopes QLD

Order Flowers Online Or Call 1800 466 534

Each day, our partner florists select the best blooms in season and arrange them into captivating displays to impress you and those you love. Shop today at Lily’s Florist and see a diverse curation of beautiful floral arrangements you can send as gifts to your family, friends, and loved ones in Brisbane. 

Greenslopes Fresh Flower Delivery

Count on Lily’s Florist whenever you need floral gifts. Our wide assortment of hand-arranged bouquets feature blooms perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, sending get-well wishes or condolences, celebrating new birth and new homes, and for saying “thank you,” “I’m sorry,” and “I miss you.” Browse our collection in full and discover gorgeous yet inexpensive flower gifts to send to your nearest and dearest. 

Our team delivers fresh flowers to homes and offices from Monday to Saturday. We offer same-day flower gift delivery six days a week, provided that the order is placed by 2PM Monday to Friday and by 10AM Saturday. 

Flower Arrangements for Any Special Occasion

You have the option to get your beloved’s favourite blooms or pick an ensemble in her favourite colour. You can also choose a floral creation designed in a colour palette that best reflects your message or intention. A red hot or a deep crimson floral arrangement is perfect for expressing love and passion. A vibrant and energetic orange floral arrangement is ideal for inspiring creativity, celebrating change, and sending a message of encouragement. Choose yellow bouquets when celebrating friendship or sending a message of hope and cheer.  Blue and purple floral arrangements make elegant gifts to send a message of comfort or sympathy. When looking for a housewarming gift, you may opt for a down-to-earth green floral or plant display that represents growth, renewal, abundance, and new beginnings. 

Shop Flower Gifts Online at Lily’s Florist

Order sunflowers, roses, or native Australian flowers today at Lily’s Florist. Benefit from our current flower deals and score awesome discounts on selected bunches and bouquets. Lily’s Florist assures you of a truly convenient online flower shopping experience. Buy a bouquet today, for a loved one or for yourself, and see how our stand-out floral designs can make a huge difference in your or your loved ones’ day. 

If you have questions about ordering, delivery, or selecting the right flower gift, don’t hesitate to chat with us or give us a call.