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In five seconds, can you name three pink flowers? Same day flowers to Brookfield 

If you did the challenge and was successful, congratulations! If not, better luck next time!

Now if you are wondering what the prize is for getting the correct answer, we will definitely tell you that it’s going to be breathtaking flowers delivered to you by Lily’s Florist.

The range of flowers we offer are diverse and composed of hand-made creations by our talented partner florists using carefully sourced fresh flowers. For any kind of day and event, we have themed flowers that can suit your liking. You also don’t have to worry about having an emergency to send flowers; Lily’s Florist delivers flowers the same day!

What do you associate flowers with? Happiness, yes; consolation, yes; winning – ABSOLUTELY! Victories from competitions are always graced with flowers. There’s the trophy, the medal, sometimes cash, and a bouquet of gorgeous flowers!

Well have you ever thought which flowers are best to give as a congratulatory gift? We have compiled a list for your reference.

Top 5 flowers that express congratulations 

1. Yellow Roses – Bright colours like yellow make a perfect floral gift to say congratulations. Do you know someone who won a beauty pageant? Complement the winner’s first walk and first wave as beauty queen with stunning sun-kissed flowers.

2. Red Gerberas – These pink gerberas are perfect for your daughter or niece who won a school competition. No matter how big or small the achievement is, acknowledging a job well done with flowers always fills a heart with joy.

3. Orange Lilies – Do you know an Olympic athlete in the making? Be one of the first people to realize this as you send some victory flowers of orange lilies to a loved one or friend who won a sports competition. These fragrant blossoms can add up to the abundance of adrenaline rush from bagging the gold!

4. Colourful Australian Native Flowers – When performers are introduced at the end of each theatrical play, it just gives us the goose bumps coming from our admiration for the dramatic ensemble you just watched. Make sure you express this to a friend who is part of the cast and give them exquisite Australian Native flowers which are as versatile as their acting prowess.

5. Pink Carnations – You heard about your friend’s pregnancy and you can’t contain your excitement? We feel you! Contact us right away and let’s send some congratulatory greetings to your friend whose dream of having a baby finally came to reality.

Moments of success do not become unforgettable not only by the loudness of applause but the mementos that the victor receives. So before you shake a hand for a congratulations, make sure you commemorate that instance with the presence of lovely flowers.

Have a floral salutation at Brookfield

We also deliver flowers to addresses around Brookfield landmarks like Brookfield Cemetery, Brookfield State School, and Bundaleer Rainforest Garden for your wedding flowers.

Keep the possibilities open and always find something to celebrate about, create your very own cherished moments - order now at Lily’s Florist.