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Flowers are our business - same day florist delivery to Parkhurst today!

Lily’s Florist proudly serves the Rockhampton suburb of Parkhurst that’s bounded to the north by Ramsay Creek and to the south by Limestone Creek. On its west near the river is the residential area while on the southwest section of the suburb is the Parkhurst Industrial Estate. Because most of Parkhurst remains farmland, this suburb is home to only about two thousand residents. Further residential developments are being established nonetheless and population is seen to double after five years. This outer suburb of Rockhampton is, after all, just nine kilometers north of the city centre and Parkhurst itself comes with complete basic amenities.

Rockhampton Heritage Village and Limestone Creek Environmental Park are among Parkhurst’s tourist attractions. There is an early childhood education centre and a state primary school in Parkhurst. Two high schools are nearby and adjacent to Parkhurst is a campus of Central Queensland University at North Rockhampton.

It is our pleasure and honor to handle the flower delivery needs of the people of Parkhurst. Lily’s Florist is ready to deliver hand-arranged flower gifts to both commercial and residential addresses in this suburb.

Our partner florists can reach homes around Parkhurst Town Centre, St. Peter’s Church, Parkhurst Caravan Park, Rockhampton Heritage Village, and Parkhurst State School.

Romantic Flowers At The Best Prices

If you are looking for flowers to celebrate love or to communicate your affection for someone special, Lily’s Florist can provide what you need. We have the best romantic flower gifts to sweep your beloved off her feet.

Our red roses can show your significant other how madly in love you are with her. Our pink carnations and pink roses in a box can tell your partner how thankful you are of everything that she has brought in your life. Our gorgeous vase arrangements can make your partner feel loved and appreciated and treasured. Send a romantic flower arrangement from Lily’s Florist today and let your special someone know how much she means to you.

You can send a bouquet of flowers or get a bunch of pretty blossoms paired together with a box of chocolates. If you’re celebrating your anniversary, we have bottles of wine that you can add so you can toast to the occasion. Reminisce about young, sweet love by including a plush teddy bear.

Say I Love You With A Bouquet From Lily’s Florist

Whether you’re confessing your feelings the first time or pledging your love once again, you can get flowers to say what you mean right here at Lily’s Florist.  Our ruby red roses that signify deep love are top quality, premium roses carefully inspected and handled to ensure that their beauty can impress the recipient and express your sentiment.

If you want to send something more unusual and unforgettable, pick one from our Flowers in Vase range. These floral creations are luxurious works of art that feature the finest blooms. You’ll see lilies, roses, gerbera daisies, and other seasonal flowers in a beautiful medley. They come in elegant vases so there’s no need to fuss about DIY flower arranging.

Shop for romantic flower gifts today at Lily’s Florist to see how convenient and affordable it is to spoil your loved ones with fresh flowers. With our reasonable pricing, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to give your partner a bouquet of dazzling blooms. Surprise her right now with our bestselling pastel bunch and make her day. Even our small, budget-friendly posy of lilies has an impact big and powerful enough to make your lady swoon.

If you order before 2PM of a weekday, Lily’s Florist can deliver your flower gift on the same day of purchase. Saturday same-day delivery is available for orders received before the 10AM cut-off.

Sending flowers is a way to be romantic. Use fresh flowers’ natural charm to keep the love alive or to put the spark back into your relationship.