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A beam of sunshine through flowers delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist

Any moment now, you will think slower. You will think twice if you really want to send those flowers. You are scared of rejection but too restless to do nothing. It’s now or never. You better make a move. Take that risk, it will be worth it. Jump in because there are no stories of failures – only learning moments towards success. And this success starts with a bouquet of flowers.

Flowers will not let you down. LILY’S FLORIST will always be by your side when you need to send same day flowers fast to the love of your life...and of course to your family and friends in Everard too!

Our team at Lily’s Florist specialises in creating gorgeous flower bouquets made by the most trusted and skilled florists. Our vision is also to provide our customers an exceptional experience when it comes to buying or sending captivating fresh blooms through a reliable online flower delivery service in town.

After reading this, you can continue shopping from our website using your Iphone, Android phone, or desktop computer. We guarantee hassle-free online delivery service plus a safe payment process via VISA, MasterCard, and American Express cards and PayPal.

Three things to love about Australian Native Flowers

When mainstream flowers take the backseat, it’s time for other flowers to take the limelight because like the popular ones, all flowers are equally attractive and exciting, one of which are Australian Native flowers!

Earthy colours always blend with the trends. The native flowers of Australia are mostly touched with earth colour tones which are known to have a style of its own and bolder than the rest. Whatever the flower trend of the year is, earth toned colours will always find its place in a charming bouquet.

It offers versatility. If your recipient is a person of character and is not easy to please, a mix of Australian Native Flowers should be the first choice.

The rustic feel makes you feel home. The colours and texture of these flowers brings you back to your childhood days. Nice!