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Fresh same day flowers delivered fast by Lily’s Florist 

She’s a sports person, she won’t like flowers...

Stereotypes make us lose the soul of every moment and the heart of giving. Not only that, it also makes giving presents more complicated. Why not stick with the basics? Like believing that everyone adores flowers!

Now think about your favourite person in Sandy Bay because today, you will be sending them flowers by Lily’s Florist. Are you sending roses or lilies?

Send both because here at Lily’s Florist, you will have an assortment of flowers to choose from. We have arrangements for roses, lilies, carnations, daisies, and chrysanthemums and we even have plant arrangements for the greenery lovers. All bouquets and sets are hand-arranged by our trained florists and delivered quick and on-demand when you order prior to 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays and 10 AM on Saturdays.

Don’t overthink, just think about flowers

Need a present? Need to say sorry? Need to confess?

Whatever you need to do, don’t think too much, our flowers will cover for you. Peruse our website now to choose from our flower collection. Lily’s Florist has arranged the bouquets for you for easy navigation. Be amused with our categories like birthday flowers, sympathy flowers, new baby flowers, hampers, flowers under $50, rose arrangements, flowers on sale, bunches, and many more!

No time to browse? Choose our Lily’s Florist Deal of the Day or use our flower bar searcher for faster and easier search results.  Once you are done flower shopping, pay through our secure payment partners like Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, and American Express cards.
Enjoy fresh flowers, fast delivery and commendable customer service from our team of florists. You can also reach them by way of live chat, email, or our telephone hotline.

No Ifs and Buts with flowers by Lily’s Florist 

With flowers, don’t think twice and just be nice. Send flowers regardless of stereotypes – no ifs, no buts!

She plays sports – Whether it’s basketball or tennis, you shouldn’t be scared of giving flowers to someone who is athletic. For sports lovers, we recommend giving them carnations. Carnations represent victory, specifically the red and white variants.

She is allergic to pollen – Don’t worry about this because there are a lot of flowers that are hypoallergenic like roses, hydrangeas, peonies, and orchids. Lily’s Florist has ready for display rose and orchid arrangements you can consider.

She likes chocolates more – This will never ever be a problem because Lily’s Florist offers flowers and chocolates combo under our Freebies category. We also have gift hampers featuring your most-loved delicacies arranged in a basket.