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What is your online status for the day? Is it ‘feeling bad,’ ‘feeling sad,’ or ‘feeling glad?’ Send flowers to Bowen Hills

There are a lot of emotions that you can feel for a day, even right after you wake up. What makes you feel happy or sad? Some people look forward to cooking for their family and some feel sad when they were not able to have their morning coffee. For some, they feel glad when they know that there are still people who remember them and care for them.

Welcome! We can’t wait for us to partner together in this floral journey.

We work as a family and treat our customers like one. For us, it’s more than just flower delivery, the more important part of sending flowers is when we see that we helped make a difference in someone’s day turning the bad and sad into glad. That’s our way and we will always do our best to serve you in the best of our ability.

Our flower collection is just not for display in plain sight, it is also for the heart. It gives joy on birthdays, comfort on your low days, romance on anniversaries, sympathies when you are mourning. The petals and twigs are more than what that meets the eye. The bouquets, bunches and all other arrangements we offer are all handcrafted with dedication by our talented partner florists using only the freshest flowers in town. Take a look at our amazing Gerbera Bunch that comes with a teddy bear, it's a super birthday gift.

Not only that, Lily’s Florist also delivers same day flowers. That means, you can think of sending flowers in the morning and send it the same day to your recipient. We will get that covered for you when you order by 2 PM cut-off time on weekdays and prior to 10 AM on Saturdays.

Whatever the weather is, we are your delivery florist to call in Bowen Hills.

Your loved ones, acquaintances, friends and colleagues in Bowen Hills can receive superb flowers from our team on-demand and on-time.

How to cheer up someone with flowers

When people go through a difficult point in life, it is just right for us to find ways to cheer them up and encourage them deeper especially if the person is close to our hearts.

Bring them their favourites. 

If your friend loves roses, give it to them and if they like daisies, have it delivered to them pronto. You can add some chocolates or teddy bear on the side too. Knowing that you remember what they like will assure them that someone cares.

Personalise your flower bouquet

If you have a certain design in mind that you know will tickle the fancy of your recipient, feel free to tell us about it, we would love to hear your ideas! Your extra effort can always give an extra dose of reassurance.
Write a note

Express you extra efforts through flowers and a short, sweet message from your heart. The more personal the message is the better. Ask us for assistance if necessary.

Do it personally 

Personal presence is always better so if you have time to visit but no time to buy flowers, you can have the flowers delivered to your home address. A gift of flowers brightens a day more if it is coupled with real-time hugs.