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Same Day Delivery
Fresh and original flower creations delivered the same day by Lily’s Florist 

Come and see the colours, come and smell the beguiling scents, come and experience the freshness when you order flowers the same day from Lily’s Florist.

Welcome to your favourite flower place on the web – Lily’s Florist!

Our team specializes in creating hand-arranged flower bouquets, bunches, plant, and gift hampers which are very affordable and full of joyful spirits that would definitely make your recipient smile. We take the challenge to accompany you in every celebration held with family and friends through our bestselling flowers delivered to your doorstep in no time.

On-demand flowers delivered to New Town the same day

Our wide array of floral creations is matched with commendable customer service that would let you receive flowers the same day when you order by 2 PM cut-off time on Mondays through Fridays. You can view our flower and gift catalogue on our website accessible by smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers.

Our partner florists will keep you updated with the flower trends through our regular updating of bouquet designs and styles on our website. Have peace of mind when flower shopping when you purchase through our secured payment methods like Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, and American Express cards.

If you can’t browse for too long, have a quick chat with our friendly florists through live chat, telephone hotline, or email. They can help you on which flowers best suit your floral needs.

Lily’s Florist's Flower Bouquet of the Day

Today, you should know more about one of our bestselling bouquets. To date, it has been fondly sent to many homes and places in New Town and has caused many smiles and rekindled relationships.

Ladies and gents, please clap your hands for our Beautiful Rose Bunch!

The Appearance – As the name tells you, this bunch is glorified by the presence of roses in different gentle colours and lengths. Gracefully designed in a round arrangement, you will think you have opened heaven’s gate when you see the enchanting image of fresh white, yellow, and pink roses.

The Symbolism – Love and everything that encompasses it is the symbolism of this impressive bunch of roses. When there are roses, love is all over the place. Whether it is love between lovers, friends, or family, it doesn’t matter; an arrangement like this will let you feel all degrees of it.