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Why drive to a flower shop when you can conveniently shop for flower gifts online? Do your gift shopping during your coffee break or just before you go to bed. Arranging a flower delivery is fast and easy when done through Lily’s Florist.

We are the perfect source for fresh flower gifts to celebrate any occasion.

All Occasion Flower Gifts to Bardon

Send the happiest birthday greetings to a dear friend through a vibrant display of this season’s freshest and most colourful flowers.

Congratulate a loved one for an achievement with a cheery ensemble of orange and red flowers. Orange is the colour of encouragement while red is the colour of passion making such floral gift the perfect present to show appreciation over someone’s determination and hardwork.

Celebrating your anniversary? Pick a bouquet of carnations if you’re celebrating your first year and a bouquet of sunflowers if you’re celebrating your third. Rose is the 15th anniversary flower but it is also the universal flower of love making it perfect for any celebration of love.

Lily's Florist - A Trusted Flower Expert

All flower arrangements are prepared by hand by our partner florists in the beautiful and quiet suburb of Bardon. Lily’s Florist makes use of handpicked fresh flowers meticulously chosen to ensure they are free of flaws. We only use flowers with firm and green stems, spotless leaves, and vibrant petals. Some arrangements will come with flowers in bud form so recipients can watch the flowers bloom.

Aside from flower arrangements, we also have plant baskets and gift hampers available for you to purchase. These are unique and memorable gifts that will make any celebration more special. Get a basket of fresh fruits to go with a bunch of fresh flowers or add a basket of savoury treats to complement a vase arrangement.

Bardon Flowers for Same Day Delivery

Not sure which to pick? Our Florist’s Choice is your best bet. It’s a unique arrangement crafted using the freshest flowers of the day.

Order before 2PM and a local florist can deliver your order on the same day of your purchase. We deliver to anywhere in the inner suburb of Bardon in the city of Brisbane.