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Lily’s Florist - Perth's Finest flowers

What’s on your nightstand? If your bedside table has become a catch-all for your daily stuff, now is the time to tidy and dress it up. Styling your bedside table is easy and won’t take much of your time, money, and creativity. The bedside lamp is a must. A shallow dish for your jewelry would be nice, and an artwork or trinket would make your nightstand look more stylish. And oh, pretty blooms; don’t forget to add an organic touch by displaying fresh flowers.

Lily’s Florist can provide you with fabulous flowers that would be perfect on your bedside table. Pick one from our flower sets in a box for an instant, no-arranging-necessary floral display. We have also prepared an assortment of vase arrangements for you to choose from. Whether you fancy the classic roses or you want something rustic like native flowers, Lily’s Florist can deliver it to you.

Decorating with Fresh Flowers

Using fresh flowers as nighstand décor is an easy and practical way to freshen up your bedroom. You can easily change it according to season, to your current mood, or to a style you currently prefer. Flowers can also easily complement existing decors and they blend well with just about anything. The flowers from Lily’s Florist are guaranteed budget-friendly so you never have to worry about refilling your vase often. Buying flowers will never be a problem because Lily’s Florist lets you shop anywhere, anytime.

We’re open 24/7 so you can buy flowers and arrange delivery no matter where you are or what time of day. Lily’s Florist delivers six days a week and if we receive your order before 2PM on a weekday, we can deliver your order the same day. For Saturday deliveries, same-day delivery cut-off is at 10AM.

Flowers for Your Bedroom

Not so sure which blossoms will look cool in the bedroom? Lily’s Florist recommends lavender, eucalyptus, carnations, and gerbera daisies. The first two can make you sleep better with their relaxing scent while the last two have brilliant colours and radiant beauty that can perk you up as soon as you wake up. If you prefer more scented flowers, you can display gardenias, geraniums, jasmine, or honeysuckles.

View our Bunches category now and see a variety of hand-tied floral goodness that you can display in your bedside table. We have tiny little posies perfect for small spaces. We also have pre-arranged flower sets in decorative boxes. If you pick a floral bunch, we have vases that you can add to go with it.

Buying flowers for someone else? Lily’s Florist is the perfect place to shop for floral gifts. Aside from flower decors for your home, we also offer impressive flower gifts that you can send to family and friends in and outside Melville. Flowers with balloons, bouquets with chocolates, flowers plus wine, and gift baskets – we have these all and more.

Lily’s Florist delivers birthday flowers, romantic bouquets, get-well flower gifts, and boxed arrangements to anywhere in the lovely town of Melville. Our partner florists can reach homes around Melville Primary School, Melville uniting Church, Kadidjiny Park, Melville Senior High School, Melville Baptist Church, Aegis Aged Care, and Melville Tennis Centre. Lily’s Florist’s delivery covers not just residences but also commercial addresses, nursing homes, churches, schools, hospitals, and offices.

Save big on fresh flowers by taking advantage of our promotions. Freebies and discounts are available on selected floral creations. Regularly visit Lily’s Florist so you’ll never miss a flower deal. For the meantime, you may want to check our ON SALE category for our latest deals and specials.

At Lily’s Florist, expect to get fresh flowers of superior quality at prices that won’t burn a hole in your pocket.

Order a bunch of lilies or a boxed arrangement of mixed pink flowers today and  start decorating your bedroom, then your entire home, with beautiful blossoms from Lily’s Florist.