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Same Day Delivery
Hand-arranged flowers delivered to your door the same day by Lily’s Florist 

Once you see the light of day, you will also see the beautiful things it illuminates. One of the best forms of life you can gaze on is the radiance and colours of flowers. Without question, flowers make the world a lovelier place.

Whether you are a veteran flower enthusiast or you are just a newbie, you cannot deny that flowers have a huge impact on making a place more beautiful and most importantly, making a day brighter for a person. With this note, we would like you to be part of a flower brigade that would make your family and friends in Lenah Valley smile more, giggle more, and love more.

Hi, fellow flower lovers! Welcome to Lily’s Florist!

Our charming team here at Lily’s Florist specializes in creating themed floral creations and delivering it to your address on the same day. We love to make ordering easier for you that’s why we have set up our website which runs fast and smoothly for your convenience when you order by cut-off time of 2 PM on Mondays to Fridays.

View our flower catalogue online using your Android phone, iPhone, laptop, or desktop computer and when you check out, pay right away through our payment gateways like Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, and American Express cards.

Check our website regularly for the newest hand-arranged flower designs, discounted prices, and lots of surprises in terms of freebies and promos. If you are feeling a little chatty and would like to speak with our partner florists, they can be reached through email, live chat, and telephone hotline.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Send Flowers Today

You haven’t talked to your friend for a long time. Alone time is very important when surviving adulthood but don’t forget to still let your friends know you are alive with a heart that still misses good genuine company. How about sending a bunch of lilies?

You missed your mother’s dinner invitation. Not again! You have done this for two years in a row and it’s about time you become more mindful of your family commitments. For now, ease your mother’s heartache with her favourite peach roses.

You suddenly feel a bout of sadness. It’s that time of the month; you need some uplifting from a set-in-a-box arrangement of bright mixed gerbera daisies to cheer you up!