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Someone’s feeling under the weather? Give her mood and spirit a boost with a surprise flower delivery. Order a bouquet of comforting pastel flowers or uplifting colourful mixed blooms at Lily’s Florist.

Yarraville Flowers at Affordable Prices

You know how a bunch of fresh blooms can brighten up any room, right? The natural charm of fresh flowers has the same effect on mental health. Fresh flowers’ aroma, vibrant look, and freshness can trigger positive emotions. So, go ahead and make someone happy today with a bunch or bouquet of handpicked blossoms. Your simple gift, effort, and thoughtfulness can surely bring a smile to the recipient’s heart.

At Lily’s Florist, you will see a wide range of fresh flower gifts that can deliver joy and help you spread good vibes effortlessly.

Lily’s Florist’s Dependable Same Day Delivery

Shop today and we’ll get that mood-boosting floral arrangement delivered the same day. Please have your order ready before 2 PM Monday to Friday and before 10 AM Saturday to avail of our same-day delivery service.

Our partner florists deliver all sorts of flower gifts to anywhere in the inner-city suburb of Yarraville in Melbourne. Relatively small but pretty remarkable, Yarraville is one of the places we love because it’s dotted with hidden gems. So when you need a bouquet of purple flowers delivered somewhere near the Sun Theatre or when you want a gift hamper delivered to an address near Seddon, count on Lily’s Florist.

Bouquets and Gift Baskets by Highly Skilled Florists

Find a variety of flower gifts at very affordable prices here at our online flower shop. Whatever celebration you have or for whatever purpose your flower gift is for, you can easily find an impressive and expressive floral ensemble at Lily’s Florist.

Aside from festive celebration flowers, we also have the perfect floral gifts to bring healing and comfort to those you love. Someone going through a rough patch may be able to get the encouragement and inspiration she needs from a surprise floral gift. Put a smile on someone’s face today by sending a bouquet from Lily’s Florist.