Featured Flowers

Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery

Lily’s Florist's same-day delivery of handmade floral creations


You have been summoned here because you need to fulfill a mission regarding someone who needs your careful attention. It’s been days that a friend of yours has been floating in the blues and catching tears from grey skies. You have five minutes to do something about it.

Five minutes?  That’s too short! Don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you – Lily’s Florist's same-day delivery of fresh flowers will help you with your mission.

Because in our website, here’s what you can do in five minutes:

Choose a flower bouquet that suits your recipient’s taste, mood, and character.
Add a freebie that would signify your relationship with the recipient – is that a balloon, a box of chocolate, a teddy, or maybe a bottle of red wine?
When your gift package is complete, write a short, inspiring note on the side for added warmth.
Finally, pay without hassle through Paypal or your preferred credit card to purchase for same-day delivery.
After five minutes from ordering from our website using your phone, laptop, or desktop computer, a bouquet of flowers and a cool gift item are on their way to make your loved one smile and realize – yes, someone actually cares for me!

Here at Lily’s Florist, we encourage you to never doubt when thinking about sending flowers to express your love for someone whether on a special occasion or a normal day.

Quick tips on how to arrange flowers in a vase

If you receive wrapped or tied flowers, you will need a clean vase to store and display it properly. Once you find a pretty vase or any improvised container for your flowers, take note of these reminders:

Regularly cut your flowers. This will aid in better water absorption to keep your flowers hydrated. Do this with sharp scissors or knives and in a diagonal direction.

Big blooms stay in the center. That’s right; keep the large ones in the middle of the arrangement and the thin ones on the outside to make it naturally pleasing to the eyes.

Use foam. The foam helps to keep the flowers from exchanging places with each other. Soak the foam before use and make sure it’s watered regularly.

If you want to send flowers that are ready for display, purchase our flowers with a vase or send our set-in-a-box flower collection.