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Share some positive vibes today with some fresh flowers. Order at Lily’s Florist and conveniently arrange a flower delivery online. We have radiant displays of mixed blooms, large sunflowers, and vibrant gerbera daisies sure to make any day brighter.

Online Flower Gift Shopping at Lily’s Florist

Our floral creations are not just for special occasions. Sure, bouquets of roses make a thoughtful anniversary or birthday gifts, but they also make lovely presents on ordinary, non-occasion days.

How would you feel if you received a gift, out of the blue, from someone special living far away from you? Or imagine how a loved one would feel when you send an unexpected “just because” flower gift. A random gift on a random day sometimes makes the most significant impact. So, go ahead and treat your Mum, sister, best friend, or significant other to a flower gift she doesn’t expect. With a bouquet of flowers, you can effortlessly make your loved ones feel beautiful, appreciated, and loved.   

Flowers Delivered Same Day to Blackwood, SA

Lily’s Florist has an assortment of hand-arranged flower gifts guaranteed to put a smile on the lucky recipient’s face. Get them at affordable prices today. Shop our Freebies section or On Sale category for the best flower deals.

Arrange flower deliveries to Blackwood SA today. Order before 2 PM local time for Monday to Friday same-day express delivery. Only purchases placed before 10 AM will be eligible for Saturday same-day delivery. We deliver fresh flowers to all addresses in the southeastern suburb of Blackwood in the foothills of Adelaide.

Send Flowers with Love

Count on our partner florists’ creative eyes and skilled hands to provide you with mood-boosting and day-brightening fresh flower gifts. Our floral creations are done with love so they also get to spread positive energy.

Every floral ensemble will be filled with handpicked blooms and the freshest foliage and fillers. Expect an appealing display of botanical beauties that radiate positivity. We at Lily’s Florist know how to make the most of the natural charm of flowers. Allow us to help you pass on positive vibes to others through flowers' beauty, color, energy, and unique language.

Order online and use a Lily’s Florist creation for your random act of kindness today. Surprise someone you care about with her favourite blooms prepared and delivered by Lily’s Florist.