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Quality flowers, easy ordering, speedy delivery – three things offered to you by Lily’s Florist. Shop with us today and conveniently send beautiful flower gifts to your loved ones in Elwood, VIC.

Hundreds of floral designs are available for you to choose from. We have bouquets for every occasion, budget, and sentiment. Whether it’s for a new baby celebration or for expressing sympathy and condolences, we have the most appropriate and elegantly designed floral gifts. 

Celebration Bouquets and Gifts at Great Value

Find birthday flowers, congratulations bouquets, anniversary roses, and housewarming floral gifts. No matter the occasion, Lily’s has a beautiful creation to offer. Our partner florists can create bouquets and arrangements according to different themes, in various colour combinations, and different size options. We also have extras like vases, teddies, chocolates, and balloons that can be added to any bouquet to make it extra special. 

All of the flowers we use are carefully inspected for freshness. Most will come in bud form so that your gift will last longer and that the lucky recipient will enjoy the view of watching a flower blossom. Every bouquet is creatively prepared by hand by a professional partner florist. 

Order Online at Lily’s Florist

Browse our collections today and score discounts on selected flower arrangements. Shopping at Lily’s is so convenient. We’ve made sure you can easily navigate through our website regardless if you’re using a desktop or a Smartphone. We implement stringent measures to protect your details, your privacy, and safety. 

We accept online flower orders 24/7 so you can easily arrange flower deliveries at a different time zone, from wherever you are in the world. Local delivery to Elwood in Melbourne is available from Monday to Saturday. 

Express Flower Delivery to Elwood

Go flower shopping right now so you don’t miss a good discount. Our Florist’s Section is the best place to find stunning floral gifts at a great value. 

Enjoy fast same-day delivery to Elwood when you make a purchase before 2 PM Mon-Fri and before 10 AM Saturday in the recipient’s local time. Our partner florists hand-deliver fresh flower gifts to homes and business addresses, schools, churches, hospitals, healthcare and aged care facilities.