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Whoever you’re sending flowers to, you’re sure to put a smile on their face with a Lily’s Florist creation. 

Lucky you, you’ve found us! Here at Lily’s, you can find mesmerizing floral displays filled with beautiful fresh-cut flowers. We have arrangements and bouquets for every occasion, every type of recipient, every budget, and every message you want your flower gift to express.  

Shop now and discover impressive floral gifts guaranteed to catch attention and capture hearts.  

Buy Flowers Online at Lily’s Florist 

Shopping online for fresh flowers is so easy and extra convenient. At Lily’s, we have thoughtfully categorized our products to make your selection quicker. You can easily find the perfect flower gift from our wide range of hand-prepared bouquets, bunches, and flower arrangements. From colourful bunches with chocolates to rose bouquets with wine, we got you covered. If you’re still unsure of which design to select, shop our Florist’s Choice section for our most loved creations. 

Order using your smartphone or desktop, from wherever you are, in or outside Australia. Because we are an online florist, you can conveniently arrange flower delivery even at a different time zone. 

Fresh Flowers in Cheltenham Same Day Delivery

Lily’s Florist delivers bouquets to homes and offices, hospitals, schools, churches, healthcare centres, and aged care facilities. Our delivery service is available from Monday to Saturday with same-day delivery M-F for orders placed before 2 PM in the recipient’s time zone. Saturday same-day delivery can only apply to orders placed before 10 AM local time. 

If you’re a planner who wish to order in advance, go ahead and do so. We accept orders for pre-scheduled delivery. For last-minute gift shoppers, you can always count on our next-day and same-day flower delivery to Cheltenham. 

Modern Hand-Arranged Bouquets in Melbourne

Browse our collection of flower gifts now and find radiant arrangements to send to your family, friends, and loved ones. Turn to our bouquets when you want to communicate something that words just can’t articulate. Rely on our flowers to help you bring immediate happiness to someone you care about. Use our floral creations to connect and keep in touch with loved ones far away. Mark special moments with one of our remarkable floral gifts. 

Let the sweet gesture of sending flowers speak about your love and affection. Lily’s Florist is just here to help. Shop now and convey what’s in your heart through one of our hand-arranged bouquets.